Is versatility a problem stat?

If I recall correctly, when vers came into the game in Legion it was stated by devs that it was never meant to be a classes main focus. In fact I believe they stated that if it was there was something wrong with the class. I’ll try to find the source for that, but regardless, at this point in SL it seems like soooo many classes value it as their number 1 or 2 stat behind main stat. So is it time it gets removed and we get stats like armor pen and multi strike back? I’ve heard people state that multi strike is just vers but this is wrong. Multi strike affects things like resource generation on a number of classes, therefore giving it a different type of interaction than a flat damage/healing buff and defense buff.

Should vers go away in favor of multistrike and armor pen?

No, but they should bring back good ol’fashioned spirit, and stop this nonsense with healers that can ignore mana concerns.


Versatility reduces damage taken and increase damage done. Its more of a tanking stat then a dps stat but in SL’s mobs hits like trucks and even dps needs about 15% Versa to reduce some of that insane damage the mobs are doing.


Except it’s become almost the universal stat for a ton of classes. My resto shaman sims crit=vers after Int. A lot of classes are in that same boat. I think it’s time to bring back something better.

What do you suggest this substitute stats be?

Survivabilty : Reduces damage taken by %.
Armor pen : Ignore % of enemy armor.

What you’re implying is that the survivability is the necessary component and that would suggest encounters are being designed around it existing. Replace it with multistrike/armor pen, etc. and adjust encounters accordingly.

Armor pen would be useless for nearly every spec and class, even warriors. Unless the stat is massively overtuned, in which case it would hit the hard cap incredibly quick and once again become useless. And besides, Armor pen is literally just +% damage. So a less interesting version of versatility.

Multistrike is just a fancy crit. It doesn’t have any interaction unless blizzard specifically whitelists the extra attacks to generate extra resources. Which they absolutely could But here’s the thing. We already have a stat that does that. Haste.


Which healer is that? I have to watch mana like a hawk.

I see healers run out of mana all the time in Battlegrounds.

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You mean pallys and Sir, please leave it alone.
Fun fact though, even when spirit was a thing pally’s didnt need it either lol.


Yes it’s a stupid stat and we should have more than 4 stats and most masteries are garbage


Remember when Multistrike was canned for just being Crit but worse?

Well Versatility is just Armor and Strength/Agility/Intellect but worse. Just can it already.


Yes, like all the other secondary stats. Remove secondaries.


It’s such a boring stat and then we have mastery where mastery sounds good but for the life of me I can’t remember the last time I played a spec/class where mastery was their 1st priority stat.

The only problem I have with versatility is I can’t get enough. Now crit I do have a problem with, it seems to be on everything I get

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Aren’t secondaries levers for class tuning?

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So you’re good with the most boring stat they’ve ever come up with? They could do better. Maybe not ARP, which would absolutely benefit classes like enhance who’s main attack is pure physical. And maybe not MS, which you’re being a bit disingenuous with your haste comparison as it would would ALONGSIDE haste for added benefit in resource gen. But theres gotta be something better than vers.

It’s the most important thing for Assassination. More damage from your DoTs > using envenom slightly more often.

Yeah but…you’re at the bottom.

i dont really think its a problem stat, its just an extremely boring stat. it seems like a cop out, id like things like spirit to come back and the ability to change stats. it does alot for making your characters feel custom even though i know they are tough to balance.