Is Tier gonna be available from M+?

Yeah, I totally get players that do more type of content should get more gear.

I’m talking more about M+ only players being completely locked out of a type of gear(tier).

However, I’m thinking I may have understood it wrong. It looks like I’ll be able to have the possibility to receive tier gear in my M+ vault out the gate…which if that’s true makes it a lot less bad. At least then I might get lucky and get a price of tier every week or every other week(depending on how often it’s supposed to appear in vault).

Hopefully it’s not as rare as weapons lol.

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This is the part I worry about because of the flawed way Blizzard is rolling this out, presuming Blizzard is NOT adding max ilvl Valor upgrades for 3000 IO.

Either tier pieces are too rare in the Vault, in which case that will feel awful to be unlucky and have to wait until the 12th week of the patch in order to actually start playing the game, or they’re too common and you’ll be sick of seeing them take valuable slots in the Vault when you’re 4 or 5 months into the patch and still trying to get a max ilvl Phial or maybe even an off-hand if you’re really cursed.

Blizzard really needs to consider adding max ilvl Valor upgrades for 3000 IO or this is going to be feelsbadman one way or the other. Granted, at least we’ll be able to get tier so it won’t suck as bad as 9.1, but it’ll still feel bad.

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Why are you m+ only? Can’t you farm normal raids for tier?

Okay thanks for explaining it better!

Hopefully it’s not that rare though :rofl:. As a tank main getting a 252 BSS or even a BSS at all requires an act of god.

That’s cool.

So I’ll still be behind raiders just due to the fact that tier can drop as raid drops but not m+ drops.

Damn I guess Blizzard REALLY wants people to do the damned raid. I might have to pug it now, even though Im not a fan of raiding just so I can double up on getting tier from raid drops and possibly in my raid/m+ vault.

That’s literally what I was just not thinking out.

I wonder why they don’t just allow tier to drop from +14s and up?

Or even +21 and up would be fine by me.

I just don’t understand this move.

I hope it doesn’t take them over a year to release 10.0.

Wut? Even heroic raid gear is below what’s dropped in the GV for +15 keys.

Yeah, if you want to M+ at the beginning of the season and you don’t do progression raiding, this is probably the play. PUG normals, get the tier pieces, then later in the season once Creation Catalyst comes online you replace with max ilvl pieces you get from M+.

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Say what? OWS, the bullets off guardian, the aegis off the nine, the defense matrix. The orb, the book off of KT. None have an equal in m+.


Yeah, I dunno what this guy is talking about.

From a tank POV, while CN had some bad trinkets, in 9.1 they brought the power level of trinkets way up to compete with the best of the M+ trinkets. BSS is pretty broken and they made the newer trinkets from SoD as equally broken as BSS instead of nerfing BSS. Like, Defense Matrix is nutty, Aegis is nutty. Honestly, getting another Cheat Death trinket is sweet too, its just that now that we actually have really strong trinkets nobody is playing Cheat Death because you’d rather just, y’know, not die in the first place.

M+ still has a bunch of garbage trinkets that don’t keep up with BSS and they’re even more garbage because the average power level of trinkets is just way up. You’re 100% better off using a Heroic Aegis than trying to use any other 252 trinket as an M+ tank for instance. The Codex of First Technique from Tazavesh is thankfully good enough that M+ only tanks will actually have two trinkets they can run in S3.

Outside of tanking, SoD has had some hits for some specs as well. That trinket from Sylvanas for Strength users is absolutely nutty, like completely utterly insane. Str/Agi on-use from Guardian is good as well, and Odyn eye is actually pretty much universally good for many classes unless the fight prohibits you from using it.

Saying that raid trinkets suck is 3head. Even if you look at CN for DPS, CN had the amazing Dreadfire Vessel. I’d be using a 246 Dreadfire on a number of my alts if it existed this tier.

I think he’s just madge that IQD exists and M+ isn’t a complete joke, only mostly a joke.

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they also mentioned that every slot on the great vault can have a tier piece in it. So you can just do m+ and pray to the rng gods you get a tier piece as 1 of your choices

I don’t raid for many reasons. Mainly my schedule makes it impossible to find a guild to raid with. Which works for me as I just don’t care for raiding, as I personally find it boring. In fact, I haven’t raided a single raid since BC-Wrath.

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Yep, and it honestly feels bad. I don’t do M+ for multiple reasons (don’t enjoy it, don’t have a dedicated group, don’t have time) and with the poor drop rates in raid, those in my guild who don’t run multiple M+ all week end up being 10-15 ilvl lower by the end of the tier. I totally understand that you need to do content to get gear, but “raid logging” has never felt like I fall behind to this extent. The distribution of the loot also doesn’t feel good this tier, with something like 7 or 8 pieces coming from the last 2 bosses.

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Ultimately it’s your sub but I don’t understand how you can’t find a discord group to run normals for a short while until you acquire your tier. You don’t need a guild, and normals are very easy.

If the game allows people to make use of M+ for tier gear, whats actually wrong with that? If Class Set items may appear as a reward in all nine Great Vault slots then why not take advantage of that? Are you saying that anyone who raids won’t also do M+ to increase their chances of getting something useful? If so, then its ok for raiders to do M+ for class set items, but not ok for other people to do M+ to do the same?

Lets have a squiz at the trinket breakdown based on spec.

We’ll look at Guardians M, since that’s basically the closest to a patchwerk we’ve seen this tier. I’ll include any trinket that has more than a 10% share in the top 100 parses.

Frost DK’s - 93% IQD, 93% OWS.
UH DK’s - 100% IQD, 100% OWS.
Balance Druids - 98% IQD, 93% Bell.
Feral Druids - 97% Ocular, 88% Decanter, 12% Phial.
BM Hunters - 62% IQD, 57% Fusion, 35% Ocular, 15% Rack, 10% Decanter.
MM Hunters - 79% Ocular, 67% IQD, 30% Fusion.
SV Hunter - 89% Ocular, 67% Phial, 13% Fusion, 12% Ooze.
Arcane Mage - 89% Ruby, 58% KT Tome, 33% Ocular.
Fire Mage - 98% Orb, 88% Ocular.
Frost Mage - 79% Ocular, 53% KT Tome, 25% Tarragrue Tome, 19% Ooze, 15% Changeling.
WW Monk - 94% Phial, 46% Fusion, 29% IQD, 22% Shadowgrasp.
Ret Paladin - 91% OWS, 73% PVP on use, 16% OPC (DOS str trinket)
SPriest - 93% Ruby, 84% Ocular, 11% KT tome.
Assassin Rogue - 88% Phial, 55% Countermeasure (Legion M+), 42% Fusion, 11% Ocular.
Sub Rogue - 85% Phial, 73% Fusion, 17% countermeasure, 16% Ocular.
Outlaw Rogue - 100% Phial, 72% Fusion, 26% Countermeasure.
Ele Shaman - 71% Tarragrue Tome. 63% Vice (Painsmith Caster), 42% Ocular, 13% KT Tome.
Enh Shaman - 79% Ocular, 59% Fusion, 37% Phial, 16% Decanter.
Aff Lock - 94% Ruby, 84% Ocular.
Demo Lock - 90% Ruby, 74% Ooze, 20% KT Tome, 10% Orb.
Destro Lock - 66% Ocular Gland, 62% Orb, 32% Ruby, 25% KT Tome
Arms Warrior - 98% OWS, 89% OPC
Fury Warrior - 98% OWS, 37% OPC, 24% Countermeasure, 17% Ocular, 11% Fusion
Havoc DH - 99% Phial, 70% Fusion, 29% Countermeasure.

So out of every DPS spec, there are only 8 specs that don’t have at least one M+ trinket as a clear BiS.

Not counting Tank or Healer trinkets because honestly I can’t be bothered since their trinkets are useful in metrics that are harder to track than just DPS and that’s too much effort to even bother nutting out when you factor in things like running DPS trinkets cause you don’t need damage mitigation or increased healing.

But yeah, unless you’re a Feral Druid, Fire or Frost Mage, Ret Paladin, Ele or Enhance Shaman or Destro Lock, its pretty safe to say that M+ isn’t optional.

I undersold raid trinkets admittedly, Titanic Ocular Gland is by far the most popular trinket in the game, which makes sense considering it can be used by everyone and is useful, even if not especially exciting for everyone.

Sepulcher Trinkets look pretty good, but I’ll eat my hat if M+ trinkets like Phial, IQD and Ruby don’t remain incredibly mainstream for raiding. Tazavesh trinkets will almost certainly be very good when you can get them at a higher ilvl.

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I’ll likely try but my game time hours are extraordinarily sporadic, which is what puts a damper on raiding in the first place.

I am a tank main that’s also geared to heal equally as well so perhaps that will help if I decide to try and pug some normals at odd hours.

This is an excellent point, however it doesn’t have anything to do with the topic.

I was originally under the assumption that tier would drop in M+ as well as raids.

The when the info came out I wasn’t fully understanding it and was mistakenly thinking that Tier wouldn’t be available in the m+ vault until after the 8 week period.

But now, thanks to @Sentenza, I now understand I will be able to potentially squire tier in my great vault from the jump, based on luck.

I’m not arguing to take anything away from raiders. In fact, as I admitted, I was arguing based on partially incorrect info and now that I understand how it works, I agree that it’s not too bad for M+ only players.