Is Thrall still a shaman?

And if not, does that mean the only lore relevant shamans are now Falstad Wildhammer and Zappy Boi Zekhan? I can’t think of any others in the alliance and horde that have shown up recently.

Idk where to begin. Yes, Thrall is a shaman, and Falstad is not a shaman. Well, he has some paltry “lightning” spells, so maybe? Strongly doubt it, though.

There is Muln Earthfury the founder of Earthen Righ, and Noobundo who tries to hijack this organisation.

Zekhan is a potent novice but not the only shaman around. There is also dwarf Mylra, and in Deepholm there two memorable shamans such as Torunscar and Norsala, sadly forgotten since Cata.


It depends what you mean by “lore relevant”.

The Shaman Order thingy has some Shaman about. Included in that bunch is Magatha. She poisoned Garrosh’s axe, which caused Cairne to become easy prey. That has trickled down to a lot of bad things. If Cairne had won… and he may have…


Falstad isn’t a shaman. Wildhammer have stormhammers, and its the stormhammers that have the powers you see Falstad use.

No different from any warrior ingame using enchanted weapons with an ability.

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Thrall is still a shaman, technically. He’s more of an enhanced shaman, but for some reason, since WoD, he’s lost his connection with the elementals. It could be because he used their power to kill Garrosh, and I think he’s feeling that he’s not worthy of their power because of it.

It’s in his head.

I hope he does regain his shamanistic abilities sometime in the future.

Falstad can also cast Chain Lightning. Although his offical class is “Gryphon Rider”, which is a unique class to the Wildhammers, he’s probably had training as a Shaman but prefers being a Gryphon Rider.

Yes, he regains his connection to the elements at max level when we rescue him from Torghast.


Is Thrall even a real character or just a nostalgia bait puppet with no impact on story


Cairne would’ve, when the race is going extinct to centaur attacks you better beware the guy that lived so long.

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Thrall might also be a tool to help transfer some of the Alliance’s power to the Horde. Jaina might have used Thrall to empower Zekhan!

Blizzard made a whole cinematic about the Alliance Spymaster literally carrying Baine to safety as Jaina touched Thrall’s arm.

Then we have a whole cinematic about the Alliance High King handing weaponry to his jail-House Orc, where Thrall touched Zekhan’s arm!

Thrall may have been a conduit for Jaina to transfer some of that Alliance powa through arm touches!

that’s better

Yeah, though he’s 0/0/0 spec and just auto attacks with a 1h

He’s the World Shaman. He does the same thing Jaina does to her jailer.

The reason he lost his connection in WoD was because he cheated during the Mok’Gora, The ancient laws say you can use only one weapon, and while a shaman can enchant his weapon, shamans can even use an element as their weapon, but that’s how he cheated, he could only use AN element, he used a hammer and all of his elemental powers, which broke the code of honor and made the elements angry with his betrayal, that is why he said “The Doomhammer feels like dead weight. The elements were silent…it’s been that way since I used it to kill Garrosh” because he lost them due to cheating, also, the wild gods of pandaria pardoned Garrosh, so he technically killed an “innocent” man, I say that with quotations cause it’s Garrosh lmao

No, the movie rules about Mak’gora don’t translate to in-game. It wasn’t even the first duel Thrall had with Garrosh where he used both a weapon and the elements, and he didn’t lose his power after the first go-around. The whole point was about self-doubt.


Such necromancy. big spooky. Wow


He might have his powers back but his bridges suck.

No he didn’t. By this logic both of them cheated as Garrosh resorted to using his fists after throwing Gorehowl at Thrall, which would count as a weapon. The reason is Thrall lost faith in himself and if he was worthy of using the elements after he was the one who put Garrosh as Warchief despite everyone around him, including Garrosh telling him it was a bad move.

Also why you necro a thread from over 2 years ago?

Pardoning someone doesn’t make them innocent. In fact in the US, you have to declare an admission of guilt if you get a pardon iirc.

Also if you are found not guilty, it does not mean you are innocent.

No. He used a hammer plus elemental powers before, in an earlier fight with Garrosh, and suffered no negative consequences.