Is thrall cheating on his wife? Setup for next expac?

Mortis, you seem to have lost your shirt.

He’s too sexy for his shirt
Too sexy for his shirt
So sexy it hurts


Yeah but it was always a non-canon fan-based ship.

Lorewise Thrall and Jaina have always been just friends.

And since Thrall is pretty much Metzen’s Avatar, you can be certain they won’t make him cheat on his wife.



If anything there should be a half human, half Pandaren monk baby…just sayin’


Newsflash: men and women can be friends without any secret romantic interest.


I’m afraid of what you’ll do with that gun, put it down!

Pretty much this.

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Yeah her name does not inspire confidence.

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Where’s the “shhh, let people enjoy things” meme at

Don’t get triggered over it, it’s just people having fun

Neither does her guild name (I’m sorry Older Adults I still love y’all :rofl:)

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Not triggered. Just trying to help with expectation management. If you seriously expect Thrall to cheat on his wife with Jaina, it’s better to give you the bad news now than to let hope grow into disappointment lol


I’m a gnome, it doesn’t really go any more down.

Dad wanted a boy, got a girl, complained about engineering… mom said at least it wasn’t AP… henceforth Mysfyre.

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Thrall is going to pound Jaina in a utility closet and you cant change my mind

Um, so is Dr. Mortis the Marriage and Family Therapist office open for appointments on weekends? :face_with_monocle:

Asking for a friend.


What the heck is wrong with people today? /head shake


Of course you are. Demon Hunters don’t have family. They sacrificed everything.


That’s not a rule, even if it was

We’d have sacrificed it too!

Now all we need is for Sylvanas or the Infinite Dragonflight to rez Taretha Foxton to really stir the pot.

You’ll probably be elated searching up some Black Widow x Bruce Banner ships then.

Everyone says this. It’s just orcs. Not all big green things, just orcs.

Don’t even ask me why I just think they’re beautiful.