Is thrall a cheater?

If they drink then they would have to work under the Legion, this is what happened in our original timeline.

So yes he did save them?

cant save someone who was never in danger, they didnt drink thus were never enslaved.

They would have drink if he wasn’t there, that’s how it worked last time.
So he did save them.

Completely missing the point, I can see why you were chosen for community council.


So a time traveller that change events of time leading to a people not getting enslaved didn’t save them. Ok :slight_smile:

Even if Garrosh was captured in WoD, the end result was going to be the same. He was going to die.

If he got captured and had another trial he was going to be executed.

For Thrall, he fixed a mistake.
He didn’t cheat, he did justice.
Plus the duel was life or death, when it comes to that kind of fight, it doesn’t matter if you play dirty, the end result is to kill your opponent and not be killed.

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Thrall is worse than Guldan…

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The Elements are some of the pettiest beings in the cosmos, they have literally never cared about “mortal honor” unless they’ve stood to benefit from it.

If Thrall had actually cheated, the lens the Elements would most likely view it through is that one of Garrosh’s final acts on Azeroth was commanding the torture and subjugation for miles around Durotar. If they reacted, they’d probably be very happy with Thrall for using their power to end him.

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  1. he didnt save them, because the MU timeline still exists, they were enslaved.
  2. he didnt save AU from enslavement, they were never enslaved. how can you save a slave that was never a slave?

He saved them in that timeline else they would have gotten enslaved. I don’t know what there is to argue. If he wasn’t there it would have happened the same.

Do you mean this cinematic???

He didn’t liberate anyone from the Legion.

The legion hadn’t anyone enslaved. The Legion wasn’t even in Draenor at that time. If they could, they would kill the Draenei completely and wouldn’t have the need to enslave Orcs at all.

“saved” is a strong word. Did he warn them, yes, but I see pretty clear here that it was Grom who killed Mannoroth, and even if he had died with the Fel flames after, the Orcs would still be saved.

If anything, Garrosh “enslaved” the Orcs for his purpose of invading Azeroth and exacting vengeance on those that defeated him, because the very same Orcs we know they didn’t have the taste for conquest (if you read Rise of the Horde you would know).

But of course it could be the case that with AU Draenor being an alternate universe, and the fact that things went different for Blackhand for example and some other differences, perhaps in that timeline they would’ve rejected the Legion anyway, regardless of Garrosh? Now we may never know, because he intervened in their universe :person_shrugging:

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Except for one little detail, Garrosh tortured azeroth elementals and the duel was on AU Draenor, an entire space time continuum away.

He stopped them from drinking the juice which leaded them to not be dependent on the Legion. Mannoroth is an agent of the Legion, Guldan was already making pacts with the Legion in exchange for the control of the Horde. Garrosh stopped all of this.



10 letters

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Thrall lost his abilities after we returned to Azeroth, after the Broken Shore. This would infer that, if Thrall lost his abilities because of the Elements, the Azerothian Elements did it.

Which they didn’t.


That he did, but that is not saving them from the Legion.
Grom did that.

Exactly, an agent of the Legion, but not the Legion itself.

Garrosh warned them. Grom could’ve chosen to drink regardless, but he refused.
Grom saved the Horde.

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Oh because Grom could have done this without the ironstar that Garrosh prepared? And Grom would have known not to drink? We know how it happened originally I don’t understand what is there to argue.

That’s gonna be your argument.
“Unless the full legion was there then the legion wasn’t involved”
I’m out

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If i remember correctly Thrall had problems connecting with the elements back in the beginning of the storyline as you left the Frostwolf area and moved into the iron place, they had to collapse the cliff and Thrall couldnʻt do it. I believe that this was way before Nagrand ever happened.

or i could be remembering it all wrong… its been a while.

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Nope. Chronicle 5 confirms that Garrosh set the terms and allowed Thrall to use his Shamanistic powers because Garrosh didn’t want there to be any question that he was the superior warrior.
Which is satisfactory explanation for me. It makes sense that Garrosh wouldn’t want to go the rest of his life wondering if he only won because Thrall effectively had one hand tied behind his back.


i never bought into the thrall is a cheater because he used the element vs garrosh fight. thrall was a shaman, shamans do shaman stuff, garrosh died because a shaman did shaman stuff. Ive never understood the let me stab you because i don’t have magical powers stuff.
On the other hand Thrall is a retard, Grom and his son were terrible persons. Just because you murdered the mixer after you drank the coolaide doesnt make you a hero