The reason why Blizzard/Activision can release content in this state is because they have a fanbase that consists of players like the one you responded to. Blizzard can release untested trash that ruins content for a large % of the playerbase for a month… Most of those players will just justify the hastily developed product with “it’s prepatch” and play an alternate character that is not broken. Most of the fanbase is so addicted to the game that holding the company they pay accountable for releasing a bad product is not something they care to do. Why would Blizzard dedicate any resources to fixing issues that negatively affect players if they will not lose subscribers over it? This is no longer the company that built the game… It’s a company that gets passed from one corporation to the next lol. The playerbase will just accept that the game will be unbalanced and basically pay to play beta for 1/12 months every year. Cancel your account or just deal with it. Blizzard/Microsoft does not care.
You are an amazing customer. I disagree with that sentiment though… I think a month of just accepting that PVP is going to be trash for one set of players and amazing for another set of players is completely unacceptable. That armor change should not have rolled out until release. An entire month is a negligent and lazy amount of time to roll out a change and just say “f it”, they won’t cancel subscriptions… “We can just ruin PVP for physical damage classes and focus on other things”.
Unfortunately yes.
My favorite is - we are buffing Soandso ability 100%, then the next “hotfix”, we are nerfing Soandso ability -200%. There is zero play testing, buffing anything 100% truly means that the ability was never tested to begin with.
People are missing the bigger picture, anyway you want to cut the PvP player base of Wow is probably, if not the smallest one from an over all whole.
Any company is not going to bend over backwards for the lowest common denominator during what is functional a maintainer phase for the entire game.
You truly want to help PvP? Boot up the Beta client and q, duel, whatever pvp is available so at the very least they can look at a larger sample size when doing tunings before release.
I dont really have a heavy opinion here in either direction probably because I kind of agree with both PoVs here like I pretty much said in my post.
On one hand when there are no rewards on the line, it is a great time for people to practice without much concern so ideally it should be balanced decently, but on the other hand it lasts for only a month and its clear they are mostly focused on the next expansion since that is launching right after and I’d rather them focus fully on that because its clear they are struggling. Not necessarily their fault either, right after the microsoft transition we saw tons of WoW CS get let go, it is no coincidence this pre patch was the buggiest patch we’ve probably ever seen. If they have more eyes on launch maybe we can avoid some big errors, that is my thought process anyway.
You are correct it needs a lot of work and definitely a new fresh rework.
No , DF pre-patch was way worst.
You don’t remember DH they were World Bosses by themself.
i don’t feel anything close to what DH were last XPAC
Not sure what you mean. Feral is blasting as well. Prettys cary atm (shrug).