Is this really how you respond to people?

Luke Lafreniere got banned in WoW and Blizzard will not tell him why? I mean c’mon…

The specifics are between Blizzard and the User. Unfortunately there is not much you will learn here. There are usually details in the email sent out with the suspension, but no specifics are given just in case someone tries to use this to bypass the rules later.

Oh, and live chats are not primarily used for appeals, only for billing and technical.


Ok, but if you were banned from the forums right now, and the email you recieved said “you spoke out of turn” and you got no further comment on the reason for the bann, would you think that was an ok reason? Or would you rather know what you did so you can keep from repeating the mistake in the future?

Just so you know, we are NOT allowed to discuss account actions on the forums. This "Luke’, who ever he is, he needs to to appeal it. It’s not open for discussion on the forums.

Personally IMO, 9 times out of 10, they know why they was actioned.


The reason there vague is so people dont try to lawyer there way outa a suspension that was given Were still expected to read the EULA and understand the rules.


Guess you didn’t bother watch the video…Just like the CS employee didn’t bother to see why he was banned in the live chat.

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Lmfao “needs to appeal” he did that was the point of the chat

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Don’t need to. It’s irrelevant. whining on the forums isn’t gonna get him “unbanned”.


Live Chat is not an available avenue for appealing an account action, so if that’s what he did, he effectively did nothing.

The only way for someone to appeal (and only that someone-- not you, not any other friends, only the person affected) is via ticket.


Blizzard never goes into specifics - why?

People will always try to lawyer and find loopholes in the rules.


And reporting issues in the support section of the forums also won’t help people figure out why an entire os (mac) is nearly unplayable atm too

What’s that got to do with this thread?


wut? :confused:


Read the Mac forums. 8.3 broke Mac users. And if you submit a ticket for it you basically get told “oh well”. It had been an issue since beta too

And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The mods here REALLY frown on people derailing threads.


Just to note - an appeal is not to argue the case, it’s to have a fresh set of eyes go over the evidence again.


This is what’s known as hijacking a thread. You’re talking about something completely unrelated to this thread.


Once again, you didn’t watch the video or understand the point of the post. Let me clarify. The point is that he is willing to accept the punishment, but wants to understand what he is being punished for, and the blizzard rep just says “maybe you should take another look at what you are doing in-game”.


Blizzard is not going to say precisely what he did.