Is this real life? (PVP)

If you lose 3v1 its probably because you’re bad at pvp and don’t utilize what blizz offers you (cheap enchants, potions). Learn to CC and kite until their CDs are gone at the very least. I could 3v1 without any twink gear just because I threw crusader on my weapons. L2P

I have mowed down a 6 man team in the alliance base of WSG in the 119 bracket on this very warrior (single handedly). All 6 of them must have just boosted and leveled to 111 as their health pools were below 35k. I didn’t have to do anything fancy either as one rampage was putting them in execute range. I ofcourse /sorry but there wasn’t much they could’ve done in that situation.

Now enchanted heirlooms and updated gear will rule over the “new player.”

I guess they shd have L2P acc to some posters … not much playing going on when you are 2 shotted by a Mage.

Thats Pretty much how It was when the first separation took place. 19-29 was a pretty bad place to bg pvp as a leveler.

If this separation is supposed to be in place, the increase to quest rewards will give the questing leveler who queues for bgs a better chance to face off against a player in heirlooms with enchants especially since heirlooms aren’t as strong as they were when the queues were separated the first time.

Sadly each bracket has their overtuned classes/specs. Separating queues wont fix a class balance issue. Fortunately leveling through battle grounds goes pretty quick when you win. So dealing with overtuned classes, albeit every bracket, it’s not going to be the same classes/specs. If the separation stays, the higher brackets will flood with levelers and getting to 120 will be that much quicker, more fun and easier.

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What does getting 2 shot by a mage have to do with twinking? Pop Saltwater potion and charged up = 2 shot. God forbid they grab zerk or have hidden satyr/power torrent enchant. All you bads jump straight to twinking as the issue, such an easy scapegoat for your own lack of awareness on how to pvp


With enchants and gear updated, it will be very strong still. And then ofc, class balance will come into play.

Being viable is a good thing. Plus it levels the user faster. I dont have a problem with heirloom gear, even less now with the 8.1.5 changes.

Yea, but it’s just going to take over as “twinks” because I can assure you they are quite powerful against those who don’t have them, and especially if you enchant them.

Their position will not be indefinite like a twink. No problems there. The xp separation has yet to be confirmed though so twinks may still be around.

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I mean you are talking about coddling new players, so if we’re talking heirlooms there will be many of us vs them in every bracket.

I mean, most don’t. Armory these people complaining. They have a few 120 achieves, but nothing end game. Maybe 1400 or 1500. They’re literally people who get stomped in the 120 bracket who are tired of losing.

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That’s a mighty assumption you got.


Look at their profiles? People who got up to 1400 and gave up to twink are pretty much solid evidence.

Not everyone plays this game for rated pvp.


Cant take people who rating bash seriously


True but class dynamics change from bracket to bracket. An overtuned character in relevant quest gear vs a player in heirlooms with enchants that happens to not be on a overtuned character for that bracket will most likely have less of a problem handling the heirloom geared player. The experience will change from bracket to bracket. Not to mention the higher level they get, the more gold they earn, they will eventually beable to purchase that heirloom gear and enchants for themselves. No discouragement from “twinks” either. A leveling experience without twinks is a positive one in my opinion.

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literally nobody plays the game to get 1-shot by people who are terrible players and using low level gear as a crutch

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If you’re getting 1 shot, you need better gear

We’ll see how this all plays out. In queue atm, last night was horrid queue times for xp on…

sorry, all I could read was “WAAH WAAH!!” What were you saying?

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