Is this how we get Night Elf Shamans?

Iā€™ve dabbled in Dragonflight spoilers here and there, but I donā€™t know all the details regarding this character.

Iā€™m assuming that because she features the ā€œTeldrassilā€ scar marking on her face, that she was present during the Burning of Teldrassil and her motivations stem from that eventā€¦?


Eventually something will be the straw that breaks the camelā€™s back. Before it could make sense that Elune might have trouble saving them from the Legion or maybe even Ragnaros. But being incapable of doing literally anything except putting them to sleep so they die painlessly against some green boyes with really big rock throwers would make you rethink any religious affiliation you have with a deity that could generously be described as stupid. Like, just some elementals were able put an end to their capital city. Considering the elementals are capable of that and Elune isnā€™t capable of stopping it, it thus proves that the elementals are more powerful than Elune. Even random air elementals > Elune.

As for people who were hoping for ā€˜Elune paladinsā€™, should probably pack it in. Night elves should convert to Light worship, since paladins actually seem to be able to get things done, unlike Elune. The Night Warrior aspect is basically a dud, it kills whoever invokes it, and its powers (but not its deleterious effects) can be revoked whenever Elune feels like it. It was literally only useful in conquering the trolls, and thatā€™s not a high bar to set considering their own track record with failure.

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Pretty much.
Blizzard struggling to blame anyone for Teldrassil except for the Horde.
Night Elves would be blaming the jet stream for fanning the flames next instead of the Horde :rofl:

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To surmise it without giving the story away a Night Elf among others primalist shamansā€¦ wants to get into the Emerald Dream where supposedly Elune is. She is trying to get into this portal and is trying to set in motion a series of eventsā€¦

I think it was more that they drew in the life energy of the firelands rather than the Emerald Dream. Shamans get their powers from elemental spirits(which includes elementals but is not exclusively elementals) while druids draw natural power from the world around them and the emerald dream. I donā€™tā€™ think the druids of the flame really communicated with fire spirits outside of Ragnaros empowering them, I think they moreso just drew in the power of the firelands.


This is the best and most concise explanation I have ever seen for not only the distinction between Shaman and Druid in this setting, but also why the hell they were Druids of the Flame rather than Shamans.


I just wanted worgen and goblin monks.

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Funnily enough, Druids can apparently communicate with elemental spirits, we see Malfurion do exactly this in the WotA books, but they donā€™t seem to draw power or barter with them in the same way Shamans do.
IIRC, Monks are actually also similar to Shamans but rather than drawing on outside spirit/life energy from Elemental Spirits, they get it from inside of themselves through physical training and spiritual nurturing.

I donā€™t think every race needs every class. I think ultimately it will have a negative effect on culture. An example of a class that is detrimental to a race would be the blood elvesā€™ paladins.


ā€œI donā€™t want this content to exist for other players to enjoy.ā€ Grow up. Every race/class should be in the game by now anyway. If video game lore has you bent out of shape, maybe itā€™s time to reevaluate. Undead paladins please and thank you.


Forsaken Plague knights(paladins) would be pretty cool :dragon::dragon_face:

I realize that this means rebel Night Elves are abandoning Elune, and we have to kill them. This really isnā€™t how I wanted Night Elf Shamans.

Elune has some association with the Titans. She taught the Dark Trolls the name of Kalimdor, and one of the Pillars is named after her. The Titans also locked up the elementals. They might know Shamanism.


Go touch grass.

Time to follow your own advice.

I think the forum will riot if nothing is done.

Either way though with about a dozen regular posters it will be a rather quiet riot.


Thatā€™s true :dragon_face:

Ehh, I donā€™t know about that.

Night Elves have a strong connection to nature already thanks to their cultureā€™s use of Druidism and the way they build their settlements. It isnā€™t that much of a stretch to see them learn to harness the elements from the Draenei or the Dwarves.

Undead Paladins though? Nah thatā€™s stupid.

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The thing about the elements is they are not in balance with nature like druidism is, If druidism is orderly, than shamanism is chaotic. Which kind of explains why this Night Elf chick is the bad guy.


Aye, night elves cultural-wise have no reason to care about the elements because theyā€™re not in tune/balance with nature. Individuals of course do exist.

Druidism and shamanism are similar in that they both attend to differing parts of the natural world, shamanism attends to the natural elements by having shamans keep them in check while druidism attends to the natural forests and the animal kingdoms to make sure that they are preserved/healthy and in balance and not corrupted or going out of control. Druids have extremely limited elemental control, and their control isnā€™t tied to any shamanistic philosophies.

Druids are not Shamans and Shamans are not Druids. Druids would not care about anything going on in the elemental planes and vice versa with Shamans and the forests.

The traditional Kaldorei society/culture has little to no reason to care about any element bar when they might have to fight it in order to keep their forests intact (eg; Hyjal), the element of water perhaps the only exception considering that Elune has some ties over the element of water.

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Thereā€™s literally no coherent argument against Night Elf Shamans and almost all other race/class combinations save a few (LF and Magā€™har Warlocks, for example - ones that cannot physically exist).

Itā€™s basically just ā€œI want this civilization to be comprised solely of Warcraft 3 units and not be written as actual people - nobody is allowed to explore external cultural connectionsā€. It is a uniquely Warcraft fan mindset, and itā€™s awful. Most normal people would find a Night Elf who went off an discovered shamanism (from their many shamanistic races whom they have been allied with FOR YEARS) to be a rare but interesting concept worthy of deeper exploration.

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