Is this considered Gameplay Sabotage?

Chance of success can be greater without someone else.

People have jumped off in mythic raiding at the start so the fight is easier than with them present.

And the tank would’ve kept playing if that person was booted. Hence, not sabotage.

The fact they were holding 4 other people for ransom until their demands were met is by definition sabotage.


The closer you bring this to the reality of OP’s situation, the less you can hide behind the pseudo-hypothetical scenario you’re presenting.

Accidentally pulling a mob isn’t ending a run at this level. And it didn’t ruin this run. The tank did.

You should stick to the hypothetical if you want any ground to stand on.


Me head hurt.

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I normally be on the side of “It’s the tank’s job to pull” and all. Since i’m not fond of DPS doing the job. But in this instance, i say pull it for him, drag it over him and force him to do it.

The tank can have his hissy fit over a server later lol.

But in seriousiness, i do say report him, but not for gameplay sabotage.

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We are free to disagree. Good day.

It’s not sabotage to be unwilling to play until X is kicked. In every situation.

And depending on that person’s conduct, it could fall under harassment. (Like it does for the tank.)

Yep, not gameplay sabotage and I will die on that hill.

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I don’t think it would have tho. The only mistake the guy made was pulling the dragon. On all the other bosses he performed the mechanics just fine.

It was that one accident and the tank just had himself a fit

I honestly thought about whispering the hunter and telling him to misdirect to the tank and pull lol. It crossed my mind for sure


Me like that.

That funny.


Nah, it would not be funny…

It would be Hilarious. :laughing: Popcorn ready comedy show.

Me keep words short.

Me can’t say big words.

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The only way to win in M+ is not to play

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“I want this person kicked because they’re from Azralon” after entering the key, presumably knowing they were from Azralon.

I just want to see your mental gymnastics, please explain how this is reasonable.


But in theory, it’s possible.

I’ve had pug heroic raids where people thought kicking others mid-raid for failing mechanics in heroic would’ve been better for success.

(And cause I got kicked, and I was still alive, I went out of my way to wipe the group.)

You’re never going to make it make sense and neither are they.

Pretty sure the tank wern’t demending money lol. :laughing:

Ahh gaddabbit. Now you got me thinking of that Talyor Swift song. :expressionless:

Me tell em Take hike.

Me kick.

Me no time for that.

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That would be racism, not gameplay sabotage.

And keep in mind, in m+, the group leader can remove anyone for any reason.

I think you’re focusing on the wrong thing here…

Holding someone’s time and ‘fun’ for ransom is a thing.
EG a tank throwing a fit and refusing to move until their demands are met.

You can call red, blue, but its still red.

No matter how many times you call it blue or how much you want it to be blue. It will always be red.

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