Is this considered a bannable offence? (account sharing under 18)

A friend of mine (who shall remain anonymous) used to share an account her older brother when they were both under 18. Her older brother stopped playing warcraft in WotLK and pretty much everything on the account was earned by her. She wants to have the warcraft account moved to a new battlenet under her own name and she can prove that she and the account owner are siblings but is worried that she’ll be banned because it might be considered account sharing. Would anyone be able to shed some light on if this is bannable and if she would be able to get a the warcraft account moved successfully? Thanks

Technically speaking, sharing accounts is not allowed with the exception of between an adult and a single dependent.

It’s unlikely that Blizz will move that account, but Blizz gets the final say on that sort of thing.

The only way to accomplish this would be to contact Blizz to make the request.


Is it allowed? No, it shouldn’t have happened. Will she get banned for contacting Blizzard to sort it out? Not at all. Have her open a ticket and explain the situation. They will work with her to solve it.

On the other hand, there may be nothing they can do to help. But they won’t ban her for it.


Just so were clear on this even if she were to get it moved to a different bnet account she would lose magority of the stuff that was learnt on the original account.

Wait, so even if she got the warcraft account moved to a new battlenet, that warcraft account would lose most of the items that it’s learned?

pets mounts heirlooms anything thats account bound, stays with the original account.

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oof, okay well i dont think she wants to lose her spectral tiger so things will probably just stay the way they are.

Just so shes aware shes still breaking the rules playing her brothers account even if shes the only one playing it its still her brothers account and we are not allowed to gift or share accounts.

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There are generally two kinds of account sharing, those that may share access with their siblings, spouse, etc… due to circumstance or because they are generally unaware of the policy and those that share to gain advantage (i.e. power leveling, etc… ).

The latter can be damaging to the gaming environment, which is what we tend to focus on. We generally understand how it happens with the former, which tends to be less damaging overall, but can cause serious security risks for the account.

I can’t make any guarantees, Who, but our staff encounters many different situations around this. They can definitely look into it and make accommodations if at all possible. If the siblings have same last name that would definitely be a help, not to mention if she is still in contact with her brother, just in case there are questions.