Is this class tuning a joke?

  • Holy
    • Holy Word: Serenity healing increased by 25%.
    • Holy Word: Sanctify healing increased by 25%.

So now my Sanctify is going to heal for 400k instead of 325k per target. Wow.
Meanwhile my health and the others in my group is sitting above 6m unbuffed.

It is pretty much useless playing holy in m+ at the moment at anything above a +11 because peoples health gets taken down by the millions and one of our aoe healing spells only gives back 5-6% of their health.


Holy Word Serenity wasn’t doing that much more healing then a cast of Lightweaver w/ the 4-piece of bonus. Everyone’s also been dumping Holy Word Salvation for Apotheosis now because when you use it with Halo you pretty much fart out Holy Words for 20s.

There’s a lot of spread fights in Mythic so Sanctify is pretty much useless.

Overall its an hps increase of about 2-3%.


All our aoe other than halo and maybe divine hymn (to get more healing on people) is bad.

Instead of having a good healing toolkit like other specs we’re having to use trinkets to be able to actually do some aoe healing.
It’s not fun and I’m pretty sick of playing this class


Here come the band-aid fixes. They will just start playing with numbers and pretty sure that means they will not be looking at a rework anytime soon.


Idk why they won’t just buff PoH and CoH by like 200% in 5-man content honestly.


I would’ve rather had a 25% buff to Heal/Flash heal.
At least with that we could have a lil better cleave healing with Trial of Light.


200% isnt even enough at this point.


If you look at the numbers and consider what percentage you find reasonable for these spells to be healing, I’m fairly certain you’ll find that the buff needs to be about 1000%. That seems to be a consistent trend across all of the bloat spells that this team doesn’t really want is to be casting for their own merits.


If they wanted to give holy a Band-Aid fix until the next major patch then sanctify needed a massive buff along with POM getting some love.

It’s been stated a million times, but most of those POM talents need to just be baked into its base functionality and replaced with actual meaningful choices. Maybe some interesting renew based talents if renew was buffed to actually heal for something. Not sure what they want to do with POH or COH, but they need an insane buff to be worth taking in any situation.

Edit: would like to see renew reduce the CD of serenity and POM reduce the CD of sanctify instead of the other way around like it currently does.

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They simply need to tune individual spells for hps breakpoints instead of being useless lazy good for nothing devs and tuning an entire kit for hps output of a certain period of time. That is what killed Holy with the shadowlands level crunch and that is why it has never recovered. Instead of each spell individually tuned, They just suck power out of many to give it to a few to fit whatever poorly designed meta the crap for brains dream up from season to season.

Pretty much all the power is gated into Halo right now and all the power was sucked out of all the other heals. Works ok for raid I guess but it leaves Holy priest completely up a creek in a 5 man setting outside of stressed long cooldown rotations (1 min for halo, 2 min for Apotheosis) etc. It is just not sustainable in the fast paced massive aoe burst environment of M+


I don’t think they want Holy in M+. I think they actually are designing the specs to be exclusive to certain game modes, they just aren’t saying anything about it whatsoever, as is typical.

You also can’t be doing all this crazy af balancing just for M+. M+ isn’t the only thing in the damn game anymore, you guys need to realize that. I like M+ too, but it’s not the only thing.


No, but when they balance certain abilities for some specs for m+ specifically (attonement being the biggest one) then you know they can make changes to make other specs more viable.

Its been very confirmed and reaffirmed multiple times that blizzard Hates priest for TWW.

Disc being amazing in M+ was not their intent and it is why they are trying to constantly pump up the other healers numbers to help ensure disc stops seeing play in M+.

They have been doing the same in raid healing designs as well, buff everything but holy priest to help ensure priest playera drop the priest for better. Dont even need to mention Spriest, they’ve been hemorrhaging players since week one and havent had a single mention from blizz.

The general design of this season has been anti priest. Most fights have mechanics that require multiple seconds of uninterrupted moving, followed by shorts burts of movement with a fraction of the fight permitting standing still. Kick/interrupts are not the most important mechanic in every for of end game content and priests have the worst toolkit in the game for all of this.

But we shoukd all be happy as priests because were above averagr in PVP, a content option so abyssmal and unplayed its not even considered part of end game gearing anymore.

Blizzard just hates priests currently and until some magical switch gets flipped all we will be seeing is 0 impact changes so the class name shows up and they can pretend they arent forgetting a whole class.


The buffs are neat for pvp must say, but Holy for M+ has been a let down whole season.

This sort of thought process is toxic.

Your anecdotal feels aren’t “confirmation”. There are many aspects of priest that are frustrating or disappointing, but every class forum has plenty of people saying their class is forgotten.

This sort of thinking doesn’t help anything and isnt based in reality.


This is such a weird take. If this were the case they’d either nerf PWS and their damage reductions or give the other healers more party mitigation. The only healer that’s really been receiving meaningful buffs is RDruid, which will never overtake Disc or RSham this season in the highest keys because they have no party mitigation.

Disc is good because survivability checks are very binary right now, something no other healer other than RSham can help the group with.

And you’re forgetting the flash heal and radiance buff Disc got a couple weeks back.


Blizzard doesn’t listen. We were all having fun in SL and over dragon flight to now they messed the game up. We told them not to be they think pissing players off and pushing them away is a good idea

It’s literally useless playing anything past an 11, you don’t get better gear from end of dungeon and you won’t get better gear in your vault. Your cries fall upon deaf ears

Sorry they didnt buff your spec 100%

The audacity, amirite?