Is this against the rules: holding zones hostage for ransom

This is what vanilla is all about, grab some friends and stomp them out, otherwise, quest somewhere else

This kind of thing is exactly why hillsbrad foothills was such a warzone in original vanilla and tbc, max levels have zero reason to be in that zone, they were always there because other max levels were always ganking low levels questing which then prompted them to call in max level friends for help which in turn attracted more max levels of the opposite faction to retaliate

This is the formula for peak world pvp


No and no

If you’re going to compare this to Vanilla PvP or Vanilla Hillsbrad you shouldn’t forget to mention that cross faction collusion was bannable in Vanilla, and Blizzard regularly enforced bans for cross faction collusion.

This new “Blizzard” only cares about subs and money there’s a world of difference between the two.


Ok, sorry about all that. It sometimes takes a while for the adults to get here and the trolls never leave (no job).

Anyway, the situation you are describing is cross-faction collusion which is a big no-no and is bannable. You will need to collect proof though, get screen caps of the ally player making the offer and the Horde players behavior and them not targeting the ally player.

Also let your server know what this player is doing. Community solutions for community problems. If they are in a Guild contact the GM - any respectable Guild will kick a player behaving this way.

Holding a zone hostage itself is iffy - see it doesn’t fall into griefing as they are not specifically targeting you to ruin the game.

However, I would report all this, document everything and see if you can get GM’s to intervene.

Its definitely scummy behavior.


Cross faction collusion is against the rules, but hes talking about only a handful of players, this collusion is easily thwarted by just a handful of 60s coming to kill the horde

Also, side note, its pretty obvious you are using multiple alts to upvote your own posts and posts you agree with, this thread has pretty average/low traffic yet somehow your post and posts in your favor instantly has like 5 upvote within a minute of being posted, meanwhile as of the time of me making this post the op has zero upvotes, hmm how strange


you sound embarrassed :c just try reading next time

My alt is Bighits, which I accidentally posted the original post on instead of my druid. You can go and look at the likes on every comment and see I liked each post that stayed on topic once each only. You can also see that I didn’t upvote any of my own replies. Your replies are all really stupid and off topic and none of them contribute anything to this conversation, so you can you please go and troll someone elses post. You clearly didn’t read the original post anyway.

And yet I have countless posts on this forum that have no upvotes at all.

I think OP is one of the people upvoting me but that doesn’t detract from the argument at all. A lot of people are disgusted by cross faction collusion and this kind of toxic gameplay but people just expect them to be indifferent or something cause “pvp server.”

Yeah this isn’t just a dispel.

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It honestly blows my mind how many people commented with a reply that was in no way shape or form an answer to the question.


to answer the question, blizzard back in vanilla had the stance that cross faction collusion was not allowed, however obtaining evidence is problematic and nowadays, while they’ve never said their stance has changed, they don’t seem to care.

TLDR: it’s not officially allowed, but blizzard doesn’t care anymore

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The post wasn’t even necessary. Just take your proof if you have it and open a ticket. Obviously Blizzard has done nothing about cross faction collusion when it comes to resetting Ony, or devilsaur farming, or taming Shazzrah or a dozen other things.

I doubt you’d get the same response if you asked two different Blizzard “GM’s” since nowdays they’re nothing more than terrible CS reps who know absolutely nothing.

So you think you’ll get a definitive answer HERE?

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I think Blizzard still cares but they don’t want to have to police this game that closely, they are still largely invested in retail.

This game has never been their focus, they don’t want to have to dedicate that many resources to what is essentially a side market for their main product.

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Report them, it’s probably not against any policy but their is no harm in reporting them, focus on the alliance player trying to shake people down for money, that seems really shady…“dubious” even.

Actually, you’re 100% right. I tried submitting a ticket a few months ago about a similar issue - an Alliance player had me on his friends list and he was relaying my location to his horde friends who kept ganking me and my brother over and over to try and grief us and stop us from playing the game. Even when we swapped continents, they just kept following us. There was no way for me or my brother to hide our location from this Alliance player since putting him on ignore still didn’t hide our location from him on his friends list. I talked to two separate GM’s about this, and they were both useless and didn’t even read my ticket properly and just said “PVP IS ALLOWED ON PVP SERVER DERP”. That’s why I posted this question on the forums instead of going straight to a ticket, because I wanted to know what the actual game rules were and didn’t have any faith in a randomly assigned Blizzard GM to be of any help.

From what people here are saying, Blizzard just don’t seem to care even if it is against game rules, so I guess we’ll just have to deal with it.

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It’s against the rules but unlikely blizzard will enforce anything.


I believe this is the short answer, yes.

We can’t say definitively Blizz won’t do anything about the collusion, as they did in fact change the behavior of the world buff quest NPCs in the capital cities based exactly on cross-faction collusion. The NPCs being killed was a very big deal though to a lot of players, so I would also venture a guess that it all depends on how much noise is made over the particular issue.
This probably isn’t anywhere near enough noise, unless dozens of players are reporting it and it’s happening on multiple realms.

It’s against the rules to collude with the other faction on PvP servers, it circumvents the language barrier and one faction per server limitation.

As others have said however blizzard is lazy about classic and is focused almost entirely on retail, more so than usual with the expansion coming up and having cut tons of staff that normally would handle tickets.


This game is run by automatrons and underpaid people who know next to nothing. Yes, it is against TOS. No Blizzard won’t do anything.


It’s up to you and your faction to coordinate against them.

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And collusion or not the problem has a very simple PvP solution.
Kill the handful of horde.

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