Is This a Privacy Setting or a Website Bug?

I was looking at the profile of another player here on the forums, but when I went to look at their mount collection, I got this:

I can see my own collection, and I can see those of several friends, but this user, and a few others, give me that error.

The armory is notoriously buggy, unfortunately. It is never guaranteed to be accurate.

The character you’re looking for may not have been played in a relatively decent length of time and that’s generally what happens on the armory as a result. Just as one of many possibilities.

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No, no-- he was on today. I saw him in-game.

I’d probably consider it a bug, Excolo. A characters mounts, pets, or achievements aren’t considered personal info. I’m not aware of a setting that would hide that information specifically.


I get that error a lot. I think it is mostly a timeout issue.

If you can successfully get to that page on another player’s Armory (such as your own), then just change the server and character name in the URL to the one that gave the error previously.

That has helped me before to get past the error message.


The armory has been having issues for a few weeks now.

I’m assuming this is the cause of the “oops” message.

There are plenty of reports about it in the website bug report forum

eeeek… it looks like that link even has issues.
…this part shouldn’t be visible:
(<a href=""></a>)