Is this a hacker or is the game this broken

Hi All,

Just a quick one. I uploaded some videos to YouTube about a WoW Hacker who had an entire battleground on him and was basically invicible.

I just want your opinion, is this a hack or is the game this broken its allowing this guy to keep at virtually 100% health?

Video Here

We were in Ashran, and this guy somehow in the space of 2 minutes after we started got into our base and started his invincible crusade, I have come across him(Mortality-Zuljin) before(more videos on my channel of it) and noone can kill him. the entire 40 man group, sometimes he has accomplices, who dont die either. Let me know what you think


Don’t think this is scripting.

Just God’s weakest Blood DK.

The dogpiling only makes him stronger.

That’s just Mortality.

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whole thread for qq about bdks in ashran already exists:

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yeah, lets not substitute Blizzard incompetence, or rather, devoting some of the precious time from PVE focus to fix blatantly broken spec that only niche to Ashran, with hacking…

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We love to see a blood dk running strong, Hes no anathemae, but hes okay

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Let him cook


Agree with this. Blood DK is just broken in Ashran, hacking or no hacking. You have the road buff, but there are also various other buffs you can get throughout the zone, along with consumables that you bring in to take it over the top.

I’d look there for your explanation before claiming hacks.

However, it is nice to see some of the epic premade bgers rage quitting because of one guy.

This is not hacking.

Not a hack game is just broken :+1:

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Is OP a Mortality alt or what? :joy:

No hacks here. Unbeknownst to many, he is highly skilled and versatile. Give him any WoW class, and he’ll still make a notable impact.

We can post videos of people? That is dope.
Fans are good to have.

You did me a favor, I have been wanting to see what the alliance chat was like.

People who understand mechanics laugh at the arguments people come up with.

I have seen a lot of alliance tell other alliance to keep their distance, do they listen, no.

Are we allowed to post screen shots of people sending death threats because they die in a video game, I wonder.


But… were already dead.

Doesn’t look like it, but I must admit that I am jealous.

There is no greater compliment than being accused of hacking or cheating when you aren’t.


I’d love to see that on any class ill even settle for a mm hunter. And if that’s the case why doesn’t he play any other class or even spec?

Yeah as if it would matter when you have the stationary glads and trem to heal off of. The fact that these dks think that what they are doing takes any amalgamation of “skill” what so ever is mind blowing.

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Lol, you this bitter when you wake up too?

You cry over everything. You presume things too.


The above message is to you.

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Do I need to make an announcement when he plays another class or changes specs? Seriously?

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Surviving a million stuns, disarms, knockbacks against 10+ is rather skillfull… What is not so skillful is players not communicating to eachother to time their stuns and disarms…