Is this a hacker or is the game this broken

I mean he’s more than willing to post videos of him playing blood why can’t he do the same on other classes?

Yeah you survive them baseline by having 3k health and leech. And also maybe managing to pull off the impressive feat of using your defensives when there is nothing else to press.

Why properly communicate to your team, when clearly all they learned to do in life is cry and whine.

I have seen plenty of other alliance shut their whining down, and it was hilarious. That video posted above, that chat was entertaining to read.


Were they with Ms. Tremblade again?

That harem has got to go. This is unacceptable behavior.


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And yet, they choose to manifest this master skill in the cheesiest play currently available and with uncanny versatility to be able to join same BG and to follow same gimmick over and over and over… :slight_smile:
Once, I entered a cheat code to enable god mode in some fps game, 5 minutes later I’ve quit the game to never boot it up again. Glad to see that that’s just me, and there are still some that would embrace this mode fully with the patience, class and finesse it deserves.


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While the strategy may seem repetitive or “cheesy” to some, that doesn’t make it any less effective or indicative of skill. I’ve personally discussed Blood DK talents with him, and it’s clear there’s deep understanding and adaptability there. Each patch, season, and expansion changes the game dynamics, and some players are committed to fully understanding their roles, evolving with the game. It’s not about exploiting the game but about mastering it, and that goes for any faction or class.

When it comes to the Alliance, it’s not that you can’t adopt similar strategies; it’s more a question of the dedication required to fully unlock what a class like Blood DK can offer in a PvP setting.

Running exclusively in premades might actually be a disservice to you in the long run.

Sometimes, it doesn’t take a full premade to make an impact on a battleground; even a small, well-coordinated group of three can significantly influence the match. Using chat for coordination, this small squad can inspire and guide the rest of the pug players toward a common goal, turning the tide of the game. It goes to show that sometimes, quality can triumph over quantity. So, it’s not just about amassing a large group; it’s about how you play the game with what you’ve got.


Yep, I understand and thanks for going into details (genuinely) , it doesn’t make any less of an uneven exchange when one side has to devote much larger resource in expense of other part of the BG, but I guess, that’s the goal.

Also, I never run in a premade ( and I see Ruthless admitted they have trouble with your team as well ), unless happen to drop into one, so it’s even more unlikely for a pug team to coordinate stun/disarm that doesn’t last long enough before DR kicks in.
So usually I just try to tell them to back off and I’d baby sit and heal the commander, but they, adorable little puglets that they are, just try so hard to defend Ms. Trem honor so it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

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Lol :rofl: mort isn’t hacking it’s just how bdks are

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I got accused of aimbot once in overwatch :sob::skull: I’m like what DID YOU SEE ALL THOSE SHOTS I MISSED loool

Right? I have fun popping an Elixir of Tongues so I can chat a bit while I heal through the damage being done to Trem. The whole team is not needed to deal with what ultimately is just a distraction.


I need to learn the ways of Blood.

The horde defenses are strong against my blue geared Knight.

The day will come when seasons change.

I’ll call myself a blood decay.

I need the bdk haters to go away, this man didn’t do anything wrong. It’s his class fantasy to be immortal why can’t you let fun be fun


LOL. I saw you cracking up when I yell “BAITED”.


one healer is enough to negate this strategy if the dk is solo, its your groups own fault for sending people who can’t coordinate cc/disarms to kill a blood dk.

What if there are two dks, one bear?

kill any dps on the boss then your dps leaves and leave a healer for each tank that’s still there. One healer is probably enough for two tanks, especially if its a mistweaver.

If you lose two or three healers to protect Ms. Tremblade, your team will probably be losing team fights.

Unless your team has like 8+ healers.

I’m going to anticipate the answer would be - don’t venture into scary bear and death knights infested BGs unless as a part of brave band of heroes, preferably 35 men sized, who could spare healers and coordinate the flow, otherwise it’s, well, your own fault for playing game the wrong way.

Heres a suprising thing tanks are over inflated by the on road melee buff +100%hp/healing taken is why they are basicly hard to kill and yous all think its some of kind of hack ive been in matches with them 2 and some time in past there was a blood dk on alliance side (cant name for reasons) did the exact same thing take the whole horde on for well over 10 mins

Whenever the current expansion goes on sale to 50% off, Ashran becomes a totally different type of Battleground.

It is no longer about the fight between the factions for which side can kill the other’s boss. Nor is it about the opening clash that you put so much effort into at the Metacenter Team fight multiplex.

It is now about this way more adorable curated fight between 3 DK tanks on your own team, arguing about which one of them gets to Tank Tremblade.

It is like listening to 3 pre-k children in the home goods isle at a Target argue over which one of them gets to sing Elsa’s song from a cartoon on the way home in the car.


I’m sure Ms. Tremblade is loving all this attention.