Is this 3v3 tier list correct?!

Disclaimer: This is for 3v3 not solo shuffle. This tier list is based off every spec being played to its max potential. Some stuff in the same tier may be better than the others but isn’t going to be moved up to a higher tier because I dont think the difference is as huge as it needs to be to be moved up to the next tier.

Is this tier list correct? What is wrong with it?

DH, outlaw, sub , rsham, mistweaver, destro, Ele, Rdruid, retribution, arcane,

A: Hpal, hpriest, Pres, demo, spriest, devastation, feral, arms, boomkin, fire, BM hunter, WW, assassination, frost mage

B: unholy, surv hunter, frost dk, Enhancement, affliction, disc, MM hunter,

C: augmentation, blood, fury


I think mm’s better than bm right now and surv is as good as it.

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I don’t think boomy dev or demo are worse than destro by a whole tier, they seem pretty hot on its heels after the most recent patch

yeah i think they are both really good specs and should be higher tiered but with how OP ret warr and ret dh are atm I put them in B since they just get run over unless they have a ret of their own on their team.

Same with unholy dks. I would also put them in A tier if it werent for ret pally teams auto winning vs them.

I just think destro dh rsham and destro rls are still objectively better than every demo comp and boomkin comp.


Also I think pres is S tier rn, it’s insane.

Funny how people complain about the state of the game when this is the biggest S tier list i’ve ever seen and more then 70% of the specs in the game are A tier or higher.

WoW arena close to as balanced as it’s ever been and the tears flow as aggresively as ever.

You guys just don’t like WoW

i think fury i honestly sort of underrated


If we’re talking about max potential I’d probably move pres up a full tier.

Im hesitant about putting boomy in S tier, I think it’s really good and cyclone is still really strong, esp with boomy+rogue - but less broken after the trinket reduction and stam buffs + mainstat nerfs. I also feel like boomy loses every mirror vs a lock/ele + melee, which makes me think it’s not S tier.

Im also genuinely unsure on fire and survival hunter, I’d need to play and see more games first.

Balance feels a lot better, though, even with small tunings.

Just excited for another season of ret/war dominance at the finish line, as nature intended :slight_smile:


Thats because class design in pvp is awful so even small imbalances feel staggering. PVP for the last few expansions has been a total meme and an afterthought designed to get people to reroll to fotm in order to create the illusion of content.

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Fury def unplayable and needs Ret Rework levels of help so I can knock out this 24hundo mog

WW is way to high useless spec without rogue

Ww is unkillable into comps without long lockdown and even then it’s rlly hard to kill while also having great damage.

Ret fw dh and rogue ruining are ruining the game tho.

There are other OP specs but these 4 are unfair levels of broken that can auto rock papers scissors win the game vs you with no counterplay.

Like if you put petkick mud and challengerz TSG vs any random 2400 ret warr fist they are probably going to auto lose regardless of how much better they are at the game than the enemy team.

The only thing stopping me from putting pres at S tier is how hard they get dunked by mage comps and rogue caster comps.

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Think your tier list is perfect, wouldn’t have changed a single spec 10/10

small damage unless enabled by rogue like enhance sham and can die unless rogue on its team stunning everything for 15 seconds, ww is just enhance sham but less burst ive come to conclusion.

Is this based on each spec’s best comp or does it take into account # comps they can play?

Their Best 2-3 comps

I think they can be enabled by a dh or ret aswell

Boomy is only top tier if it has a DH or rogue on its team. You take that away and it no longer is. Simple.

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Boomy is always super good with whatever the OP melee spec with an MS is. This season it happens to be dh and outlaw but in previous seasons it’s been ww and warrior. I think pre nerf overtuned cleave ferals we saw ppl running boomy feral rdruid to high cr in s1

Boomy demo is also top tier whenever demo is overtuned


Well yes I’m not disagreeing with anything else except this.

Boomy demo isn’t comparable to any other demo comp in reality. You replace the boomy in that comp with any other meta spec and the comp is just simply better, purely because what’s running the ladder right now, boomy demo struggles to beat. You don’t beat Demo splays, you struggle vs destro splays, ret war fw is a ridiculously hard matchup unless they straight up choke every kick. DK or DH Cleaves w key the boomy into the dirt. So on so forth.

The comp matchups might change when playing with rdruid or pres, but when you play with any other static healer like rsham/hpri, they are just generally unwinnable. At best boomy/demo is the 3rd best boomy comp rn, but I’d argue that Boomy/frost and Boomy/ele are comparable if not better into more things.

But boomy demo guns the hell out of rmp, so take that with a grain of salt because rmp players don’t deserve rating.

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Man BDK is a weird one. It’s a tank and therefore supposed to be bad but sometimes you see it pop up and it absolutely owns. It’s probably a conditional thing?

All I know is I saw liquid playing turbo lose to it around 2300 CR and the BDK did more damage than sam on enhance sham.