Is there such a thing as being inherently bad at PvP?

Yes. I am bad at pvp. I don’t move about fast enough. My wife hasn’t tried it yet but I predict she would be worse than me because moving is so far her biggest obstacle to overcome.

It depends on how you play, do you click? Do you use macros? If you use macros do you use mouse over or arena 1,2 and 3? What spec do you tend to push as? What comp do you run?

You may just need some advice you may run the wrong talents or stat priority. Some classes have different stats they prioritize in pvp then in pve.

It goes further with pet classes and having macros for them. Example death knights have pet kick macros as well as knowing if they are on the target they want the pet to kick they need to move the pet away first to kick the cast.
Then finally it’s all about practicing once you have the macros etc and getting used to that play style.

One of the biggest issues the average player has in pvp is tunnel vision. Open that box up be aware of where your toon is but be more aware of where the enemy team is moving around and figure out what they are going to do next.


I got the season one arena set on my BM Hunter, in BC when it was for regular battleground honor.

Then I did the same thing on this character, if I recall, in MoP (last season’s set, for regular battleground honor.)

Both times, I just plugged away. I wasn’t particularly good at PVP, but I just kept trying; Even a loss was still some honor and worth doing.

I miss that, since if you were mainly a soloer in the game those sets were kind of “worth it.” My BM Hunter felt VERY buff in that epic set (even for PVE), in BC, even for the Isle of Quelananazaases(SP?) content that came along (as well as for PVE soloing in Wrath, where the entire set was not replaced for seven levels of leveling up.) This character felt buff for soloing stuff in that epic set in MoP, though it was replaced by the excellent timeless isle solo content gear (when that came along.)

I would do them again now (battlegrounds), if you got marks of honor and there were ensemble sets (or especially gear upgrades.) The cool thing about when I did them back then, was that those sets were AMAZING in PVP; You felt WAY more powerful at it as you got more of the set. Then, being epic sets, they were better for general PVE than the stuff I was otherwise getting soloing.

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I’m definitely no good at PVP (in any game) but I still have a good time doing it now and then. Luckily being prot I can at least soak some damage and I’m not in the gy all the time.

One of my favorite memories of this game was being holy back in old AV. Got a Warrior in my group with the old Marshall rank. I stuck to him with heals and he cut down horde like a lawnmower. Good times.

I am terrible at PvP no matter what game we’re talking, so I just avoid it at all costs.

Do you have a and d keybind to turn character? If so, you are inherently bad in pvp.