Is there such a thing as being inherently bad at PvP?

While I think there might be a certain attitude necessary to higher end pvp, I don’t really know if you could say someone will just be bad forever.
It mostly boils down to knowing your largest synergies, their threats and yours, and your easiest matchups.
If you also happen to main a class that has fallen out of the PvP meta for whatever reason, you might be playing fine, or even exceptionally, but the class/spec might be bad in a PvP scenario (rip mm hunters)
Basically the only thing that holds back someone from getting into high rating can be marginalized into two categories.
How much you know and how much time you’re willing to put in.
The first one will come proportionally to the second, but only you can decide to put in the hard grind for those tasty end of season rewards.

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There might be a degree of spatial awareness that affects PvP ability.

It’s the same reason why I don’t enjoy tanking. I’m not good when there’s multiple variables at play that needs an immediate response. Also why I’m not great at FPS.

I do better when I can see things at a distance, or when I can see the big picture. This is why I do a lot better at healing.

Inherently bad at PvP? No. But there are personalities that make it harder to “get good.” I’m an anxious person, and while it doesn’t bother me to lose, it bothers me to feel like everyone will be mad at me for sucking, so I tend to not group in the parts of the game that stress me out/that I don’t feel good at. If that describes you at all, and if PvP stresses you out in that way, it is a hurdle you’ll have to manage to get better.

2.) If you just never learned how to cope with losing–and that happens with a lot of people–the temper flare and frustration you experience from losing a match will cause you to even further deteriorate in reaction time and decision-making, which has to be quick for PvP. This creates the cascading spiral that will inevitably lead to more and more losses.

3.) PvP requires practice for most people, and it’s a whole different set of decisions and skills and movement–which I’m sure you already know. The necessary mindset is to accept and embrace that you’re going to lose a lot, and that’s okay. If you get to a calm place where you can handle losing over and over while you improve, you’ll have conquered half of it.

Pvp is not a race , but a marathon . It takes years to master one’s class in pvp and to learn to counter another class .

The only class that gives me problems would be the warrior . They stick to me like clue . It’s hard for me to counter these fools . Any other class wouldn’t be a problem .

The key to rated PvP is really just to do a lot of it, win or lose. As long as you try to learn from each game (like not blaming your partners) you will probably eventually get better.

Obviously not everyone can be a gladiator. But IMO you can definitely improve no matter what. I don’t think people are inherently bad at PvP. It’s really just an experience thing.

Zeravia I can only tell you these two things…

  1. You’re strong when being on a pack/grouped with others when attempting to eliminate a foe accordingly as well as with objective

  2. Strategy…its all strategy and wits how to counter your foe’s class, there’s no honor, be advantageous, do whatever it takes to take him/her down, even if it means kiting them to your group

ilevel, gear etc just optional…don’t let it any of those hinder you

to be fair zeravia, im no gladiator but i can tell you this… pvp in wow is not something that you have full control of it, the balance between 3v3, the comps, the group, there are many factors.
i would say that pvp its similar to a prove in school, they are used to measure your knowledge but they are not really a good method at doing that, and the same applies for pvp in wow, good rank in arena doesnt necessarily means you are actually good. Maybe it just happened that the circunstances including your role within like arena for example, were just simple and it worked and you managed to get good ranking out of it, but may had not pushed your skill as high as people think.
Taking myself as an example, i will never be a gladiator…there are many factors such as sociability, my own nature, team work, not having friends, lot of them that have nothing to do of how much i understand about my own class or how to use it properly.
its like entrepreneurship, some people just got the perfect opportunity or lucked out, its simple as that…i believe it has to do more with opportunity and luck more than everything else, and im talking about a huuuuuuuge luck

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This reply cleared my skin. I feel hydrated. I hate RUIN but heck this comment made my week. Thank you alliance homie.

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I can’t speak for you…who knows, you might actually be good at it, just need more time…but I’m living proof I suck at PvP. I tried PvP as far back as EVE Online and my account time there is 10 years. It’s not working for me, and it will never happen, so yeah, some people can be inherently bad at it.

I’m legitimate bad at pvp in every game that has it. What they have that I don’t: experience, fine tuning, usually a faster graphics card, patience enough to make it their whole world.

Yes, there is such a thing as being inherently bad at PvP. That’s not the question you should be asking though, the question is, “should I really care that I’m bad or should I just try and have as much fun with it as possible?”

This is a mindset thing. You need to adjust your perspective so that your queue sessions can be productive. I don’t think it’s possible for someone to be inherently bad at something, but I think it’s normal for someone to not be informed in a proper manner. Once informed, it’s up to you (whoever the ‘you’ might be) to employ what you’ve learned and practice.

I’m a 2300 experienced priest, and eight time multi-classer of various specs (melee, casters and healers included) all above 2k+. Mentality is everything.


No one is bad at PvP. The thing about PvP is that it is a complete and utter madhouse run by the inmates who embrace the complete insanity. You have to want to embrace insanity with the rest of us or else the inmates will eat you alive. It’s all state of mind, friend. I go into PvP expecting nothing except the thrill of killing other players and stealing their objectives and it’s a thrill playing Dungeons, Raids, or Mythic+ will never give you.

I’m not gonna pretend I’m anything else LOL:man_shrugging:

Ive never been steller at PVP. I have never played a single arena. Only bg’s. Theyre fun. They mean nothing. And i can kill gnomes

I think the bigger issue is being on the verge of tears from losing a video game. Our society is not in good shape.

Strong men bring good times
Good times bring weak men
Weak men bring bad times <—we are here
Bad times bring strong men

This is the cycle human society always follows. Might be a good time to toughen up some. If corona keeps going this wayand food becomes scarce youre going to need to figure out how to pvp irl to survive. No room for tears there


Back when I used to PvP pretty much all the time we would lose all the time while I would see other Horde players say they won all the time.

After a long time I realized the common theme in all the games where our team was terrible was me.

So I retired from PvP and I’m guessing the Horde pug community was the better for it.

While I don’t for a second think I was the only or even main reason my teams were losing I know I was part of the problem.

I don’t think so. I don’t think you can be too bad at anything to be held back from improving to a considerable degree. Maybe you just have to put in more work.

If you’re bad at anything, it’s probably just at researching or taking the steps to improve. You’re probably just running in a hamster wheel and not getting anywhere. Start picking brains of other warlocks that PvP, watch videos and read some resources.

Ngl it does sound like you are kind of bad. However just try and watch some videos on youtube to improve. Its always possible to get better.

I’m not good a pvp but I still enjoy doing it. I really don’t mind not being good. To me pvp is fun that is what matters to me.

For me it’s more like why bother i already have pvp games for that and im pretty good as well nicely ranked up and all lol!