Is there somewhere I can check delve runs for the week?

i assumed it’s moot because you were going to 8/8 max it regardless, i beg forgiveness.

but also newp:

you’d know if you did 4 d8s because your second slot would say you can’t upgrade anymore.

you also know you did at least 1 world activity.

so you’d never have 4 finished and need 5 more. The most you’d need is 4 without knowing. you see the X/8. if you’re 4/4 in your mid slot at max, and you have 5/8 you know that extra 1 is a world activity and you need 4 more.

I agree it should just show you on mouseover which things you’ve done.

Yes. Go do 8 world quests to max out that last row. Then go do 1 tier 8 delve take a look at the vault. Basically you will never know how many you have done other then “not enough”. Unless you manually keep track. Less of a deal when its only 2 runs for first and second slots. But either way you should be able to actually check somewhere IMO.


what does your mid slot say when moused over? what does your leftmost slot say when moused over? what are the X/2, X/4, X/8 numbers?

you can absolutely know how many more you need based on what they’re telling you to do to max the levels.

Mid slot says reward at highest tier. Last slot says do a tier 2 delve to increase to 587. But I’ve done at least 5 tier 8’s Maybe 6 idk. Absolutely no way to know. Sorry you are wrong.

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For what its worth. Delve/world stuff, last slot is bugged at tier 1 (587 ilvl)

welcome to the forums

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got it, yes, that’s because it would overwrite the world activity (not quest, the bigger activities).

so you have 4 t8s down, and you need maximum of 4 more.

without knowing if you’re 4-5-6-7-8/8 it’s hard to tell but it’s minimum of 1 more.

dumb system where they should just show here are the activities you’ve done like all the rest.

not for me, i’m 3x 616

Yes and you should be able to check lol

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yup i was just correcting you saying that you might need 5 more. /fistpound

Ohh I might have misspoke. I need between 3 and 1 more, no clue and no way to check.

Different toons different devices I guess I am op

As you do more delves the item level of the last slot goes up.

So many people who have no clue what the post is about stating the most obvious things lol.


OP asks clear and obvious question. Thread then goes on to display massive lack of reading comprehension. Thanks Carmeen, just reading this thread was hilarious.

If you complete 8 or whatever world quests, that last slot will then tell you to ‘complete a Tier 2 delve to upgrade this slot’ - still not helpful.

/raidinfo does not help. I have the SavedInstances addon (which is awesome), but it doesn’t show delves completed … or I just haven’t found it yet.

REALLY would like a way to know if I have to do one more T8, or 4 more - big difference. Next week I’ll know to keep count :slight_smile:


I can see a lot of people here don’t understand your question, I myself made a thread about it a few days ago and I’ve seen multiple reddit posts.

How Blizz decided not to list this is odd. Ik shocked there isn’t any weak aura to tell us yet.


I agree

An info pane that shows what delves, world quests, weeklies, etc,etc we did at what tier and what we need to complete for the vault would be fantastic.

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The really odd thing is that it USED to tell you.

In DF, if you moused over your 2nd or 3rd option, it would say “you need to run x more runs to collect this slot.”

It caught me off guard because I was trying to do the same thing as the OP: I know I ran more than 4 … but I can’t rem how many more. And since I only have tomorrow, I was trying to budget time once I’m done with work to get them finished.

But do I have to do one, two, three…?

And, again, mousing over the slot in DF used to tell you that info.


Yup that’s the same issue I’m having, do I need to run one more 8 to upgrade? Two more? Four more? Because I would crank out 1 but I don’t wanna slog through more than that tonight after the wife and kids go to bed

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I figured out the reason for this. I was watching a “gear up fast” video when I noticed something.

If your first two slots are done, but last slot is still empty, it will say 4/8 on it. This is pretty much the dynamic we’re looking for.

The issue is that you can fill that bottom row from at least two different activities.

So in DF, since it was only one … it could objectively tell you: you need to run 4 more M+ to fill this slot.

But now in tWW, it doesn’t know what you want to do to fill that slot. Two of this and two of that? 3:1? 4:0?

So instead of saying “you need 4 more *of something/whatever” … it doesn’t say anything.

Obviously, that’s incredibly short sighted but, that seems to be the reason why this callout is missing.


I also use saved instances and didnt find anything on delves. What I noticed about that add on is toons only populate when you are “saved” to something. Delves don’t seem to save anywhere that is visible.

It truly reads like a “Who’s on first?” routine, but the fact that it’s organic makes it even better.