Is there somewhere I can check delve runs for the week?

I have 3 slots unlocked. Two are max tier but one is tier 1. I know I’ve run a couple tier 8s in the last slot but cant recall how many. Is there somewhere where I can actually see a list of what I have run? Maybe I’m blind but as far as I can tell its doesn’t show anywhere.

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The magic number is 8.

Yeah but have I ran a 5 or 6 or 7. Specifically at tier 8. I cant recall. I might run one more if its 7 but I’m delved out to be honest and I wont be running 3 more for that last slot.

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I think the vault shows what tier the gear you’ll get is. If that’s what you want to know.

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Ultimately, you need to run 8 Delves of the same tier to get all Vault slots of equal tier, I think its 2, 4, 8 (6 maybe? I wasn’t paying attention)

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No I have 2 vaults slots unlocked at max tier. The LAST slot is unlocked but its tier 1. So maybe Ive done 5 level 8 delves and the rest are world quest. I just want to know how many more tier 8 delves I would have to run. Similar to the M+ window which shows your max key for the week. Is there anywhere that shows you have run 5-6-7 or whatever tier so and so delvs.


The only amount of runs you have to do for any Tier is eight. So, if you run five Tier 8 delves and unlock two slot for D8 Gear, you need to run three more Tier 8 Delves to unlock the final slot for D8 gear.

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Yea, 3 sounds right.

So I take it this is a no then. The delves run for the week are invisible except for the great vault.


All you have to do is look in your vault?

You aren’t understanding. The vault says complete 8 delves or world quests. It IS unlocked at tier 1 with a check mark. It says complete a tier 2 delve to increase to 587. But I’ve run say 6 delvs at tier 8 ( I cant recall how many more then 4 I ran this week). That means I need 2 more at tier 8. You cant check anywhere how many Tier 8s you have run for the week because the vault is already unlocked with world quests.

All I know is I’ve run more then 4 but less then 8 and there is no way to check because the 3rd vault slot is already unlocked with world quests. So I am asking is there a way to check other then the vault but it isn’t fit for this purpose.


But it doesn’t matter. The vault slots will always upgrade to correspond with the highest level of content you’re doing.

So all you have to do is complete 8 Tier 8 Delves to upgrade all three slots to give you Delve 8 gear. That’s all you need. You’re overthinking this.

Well yeah lol

But I dont want to run 3 more. But if I have done 7 I might run one more. LOL it matters to me. So I want to check how many tier 8s I have run this week.

Im not overthinking I want to know how many tier 8s I have run this week and the vault isnt doing it.


Then you don’t want all three slots to give you Delve 8 loot. The amount is static. All you need is eight.

You arent understanding. lol


what does it say when you mouse over your third slot in the vault screen?

for me, for example, i’ve done 1 World Activity (the boss) and 1 delve, and when i mouse over the first slot it says

“To improve to item level 587:
Complete a Tier 2 Delve or higher to increase this reward’s item level.”

Thats what my last slot says and I know Ive done more then 4. But did I do 5, 6 or 7? I think I did 6. But there has been a lot going on so I don’t know.

My last slot says and I have done more then 4 tier 8 delves.

“To improve to item level 587:
Complete a Tier 2 Delve or higher to increase this reward’s item level.”

What does it say? “Thats” isn’t relevant or descriptive here, it should tell you “Complete a tier x delve or higher to increase…” so what does it specifically say.

Either way isn’t your argument a bit moot? You need to do more, so keep doing delves until it’s maxed?

I don’t think it tells you until you hit 8, I’ve looked too. Would be a nice QoL feature


Its not moot at all. Like I said before. If I ran 7 already I might run 1 more. But if it’s 5, I wont bother. You absolutely should be able to check what you have run this week. Same as M+ same as raid lockouts. It would be simple if the last row was just delves but it isn’t it has world quests.

The raid row has a list of the bosses and what difficulty you ran them on so you can see what is required.