Immersion broken. 0/10 patch. gg Blizzard
Which raises the question: why isn’t it a toy? That would make it account wide.
I must be playing the game in a dramatically different way than most people because I only need my bank approximately once a week… xD
I couldn’t find it
Did you find the Literal Flea Market? It’s right across from it, in the northernmost building closest to the small arena. It’s named Last Choice Bank.
Big true. I anticipated a gringotts (harry potter) on steroids level bank with a giant gallywix-faced coin in the floor.
ah ok I finally found it. This seems like an upcoming quest area.
If the casino doesn’t have a bank I’m going to go full Karen. While I have not been to many casinos, they all have had a bank
I’ll hire myself out there as an independent contractor. If you need a loan, I’ll do my best to get you the money. I just need to raise some capital.
On that note, anyone wanna buy some stock in the Last Choice Bank, Hovel Hill Branch?
If you’re wanting to store your items, well, you’ll have to take that to Venture Storage. Hmmm…
Anyone want to buy stock in Venture Storage?