Most goblin towns have both an auction house and a bank. They’re goblins!! They love money and commerce.
So why no bank or auction house in Undermine? This is bothering me more than it should.
EDIT: Corrected – Bilgewater Harbor doesn’t have an auction house/bank. I’m usually playing alliance and didn’t know!
Also, I didn’t know that the hotel does have an auctioneer that is unlocked with renown. However there is still no bank! The title has been changed from “Is there really no auction house or bank in Undermine?”
While it does seem logical for a goblin city or whatever you want to call Undermine to have banks and auction houses, in the past patches have never added these, so we are at a bit of a logical intersection. Looks like the latter won out.
Ok, makes sense. Correcting my OP and thanks for the heads up
Point is it does exist. I don’t need an auction house or bank, anywhere since I have an AH mount. This is a conversation about theme and the area’s feel, not power.
Alright, that’s cool but where’s the bank! I want my bank!
To be a bit more serious, I could picture a few people stationing their bank characters in Undermine because it is so thematic. If there were a bank, mailbox, and auction house really close to each other it would cause people to park their bank toons and auctioneers there.
I wish they had made something like the UnderMine Stock Exchange or UMSE, a room that has no layering and is extremely convenient for bank toons. Ah well
Well, given that the places where there is a goblin bank, there is also an endless supply of adventurers with cash to make use of the facilities (get fleeced).
In Undermine, it was goblin only, with Gallywix as usual taking the cake with interest, so what goblin would make use of the bank, providing they even had the funds (which it seem most don’t).
If there was a bank, likely soon after Gallywix would find some excuse to take all the money for himself.
So with that logic, it is not unreasonable. And the teleport takes you back to Dornagol not that far from the bank there.
I did make a goblin character and there is/was a bank in Kezan and when they’re evacuating there are huge lines to the bank, like the whole town is there.
Goblins are all about getting paid. It would more make sense to me that the bankers have obscene fees etc to store money and that there would be a banker fat cat aside from Gallywix (he’s gotta store his money somewhere, too!)
I made a Goblin too, who is still salty about Gallywix stealing all her cash.
The feel of Kezan though, is far different than the feel of Undermine. Things weren’t quite so downtrodden and … trashy. Undermine feels like slums are the majority.
I agree. Once this patch is over, if they were to add a casino to it, and maybe another version of the brawler’s league, it would almost guaranteed be usable as a destination spot.
Give us tables to play games at, give us DRIVE races to wager on, give us brawler matches to wager on, and a bunch of slot machines. Add ugly little goblins walking around with free drinks that increase your ‘luck’ and this place would be perma-busy.
Definitely add player housing to the list, too. I want a Undermine condo. I might not be enjoying the theme currently in terms of the patch and general gameplay, but with respect to the usability of the zone for evergreen quality, I can totally see it.
Warbank spells/toys #1 Kyrian Steward Not sure still testing if it works everywhere #2 Gobber Goblins only #3 Argent Squire/Argent Gruntling Have to have the pony achievement from Argent tournament grounds on each toon (NOT ACCOUNT WIDE) #4 Walter Dreanor Only #5 Sassy Imp Dreanor Only also random might not be a bank when you click on it after casting item #6 Jeevees Engineers only can be used anywhere #7 warband bank spell