Bank is Uptown. We are in Downtown.
Every self-respecting Undermine goblin has a Bronto…that they use in private to prevent freeloaders from making use of it.
As a fellow Bronto owner I understand.
This is why I am an Engineer. I will eventually raid to unlock it. Til then, Jeeves is my go to Gnome.
LFR gives the rep too
What? You don’t have a Jeeves?
Bank Mount coming on the Blizz Store confirmed!
Yup. Op is right. Absurd that it’s not there. How would they miss this!?
100% a movie theater with greasy
I agree. I have the AH mount and Jeeves on my main toons and some even on ones I don’t play. I don’t need it. It’s a thematic, flavor suggestion not a gameplay one.
That being said regarding gameplay suggestions, a casino with a bunch of minigames would be so cool. If a minigame were really fun it could even become popular itself. A game within a game.
Even if not wildly popular, I’m sure a goblin-themed poker table would get used, and if betting were allowed it would be silly fun and I would be really surprised if it weren’t a hit
Goblins only store wizard money.
For all the nit-picking, OP is totally right.
Theres a portal which takes you to the bank if that helps
Well for AH , I have a brutosaur! bet you diddnt think those would be worth their weight in gold.
But you are right , it sucks to have to teleport back to dorn , just to use the bank.
Unless of course you ARE a goblin, then you have a bank npc in your spellbook.
Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor on the go–99% of bank usage for me is warbank and private gulld bank.
But a bank would be nice in Undermine as well.
I still use my squire from the Argent Crusade. Wish they would lower its cd though.
Undermine has a bank, but the tellers are not active. But they have the setup.
This is still dumb. They’re goblins. They want their cut. It’s stupid to make you earn renown before you can pay them their AH cut.
Where is it? I’ll check it out!
I appreciate everyone telling me tricks to get to a bank, but I do have jeeves etc. This is a thematic suggestion, not a gameplay suggestion
Last Choice Bank. Take the road north from Slam Central. There’s a group of buildings on your left. It’s across from the Literal Flea Market, near the small arena.
Id prefer it was ACCOUNT WIDE then having to farm the pony addon for it on each toon, 7 bank items is nice
Easy lore solution. Gallywix took control of the banking in Undermine and it isn’t accessible to anybody else anymore. Unless maybe you want to risk using his bank?