will there be a new type? will they be added to the troll dungeons, heroics, both?
there is no info on anything beyond what is currently live
Thank you for your answer.
we didn’t get info on the current Inferno dungeons until like a week before the patch, i wouldn’t expect anything until much closer to phase 4
Knowing blizzard damage will be increased to 50% and hp to 150%.
The lazy way to do it.
Hopefully that is what its gonna be since I have no confidence in Blizzard to actually balance and make potential more affix fun to play with, I’ll take the more boring and safe option. (Well people says its boring but its actually fun for me but details.)
I think the simplest mechanic they could add is firelands bird boss fire rings.
Run through spawning ring and get haste buff and casting while moving. Make them restore mana as well for mana users to reduce downtime and it will feel good and be a simple mechanic.
Blizzard will likely take the laziest route again with new phase dungeons and simply increase health and dmg on mobs(literally two numbers they change in the code lol).
I highly doubt they’ll put any effort into making new mechanics for rune dungeons(despite promising it on launch, just one of a long list of their lies about Classic).
I want a boss enrage.
Set the required DPS needed to around average ilvl360 in PVE gear before enrage hits at 500% damage. Let these 346 fools be able to queue and wipe wipe wipe until people start using the vote kick. It’s ridiculous to be still tanking the same boss for 5-7 minutes without the boss going insane and blasting me to bits and pixels.
As it is, I’m seeing undergeared DPS mana users OOM just standing there sucking up heals while non mana users are still plucking away at the boss.
Yep, and they’ve let some players in retail gaslight them that it’s amazing.
That would be awful
Its such a shame they did not do more. I took a break from all wow for about a month in a half. Cata imo has the best class design between all version of the game, its the happy midde ground between era and retail, its just missing something to do outside of raids.
We wont know for sure till next PTR, but if WotLK is anything to go by, they’ll add it to both the original and troll dungeons. They added gamma to ToC5 when ICC released (and buffed paletresss so much that she could pretty much one shot you).
They could have made Cata great instead they ignored it and let it die. They knew wrath would have the highest engagement because it’s wrath so they created affixes for the dungeons. They could have developed additional content for Cata but they chose not to. That would have increased engagement metrics. Instead they didn’t and just added a super boring and lazy hp and damage modifier and said here ya go here’s your content. Just another example of them not listening to the player base
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