What do y’all think?
Which faction is better off?
Is either faction receiving preferential treatment from the writing team?
My Opinion: The horde have lost every conflict with the alliance since wc1!
The horde has lost many more leaders!
Sure the alliance lost theramore a small port town, and teldressil a larger region. But the horde over-all has lost and lost. How many warchiefs have they gone through versus the alliance kings?
I think they might actually have alliance favortism.
I think people just want to be outraged and blame things just have something to blame.
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I don’t know if they have faction bias but I think everyone has the characters they like the most.
Weren’t you a female gnome?
i have a funny felling that if the alliance gets the villain bat the forums will be on fire and demanding for it to be changed.
horde gets the story the alliance complains horde favoritism
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The Alliance have always been a prop upon which the story of the Horde is written. Don’t let those tattered mud huts and dirt floors fool you. Horde have always been the apple of Blizz’s eye.
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Lore sucks they hate both factions equally
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Considering Orcs are about to be able to be priests…
I think the writers are bad fanfic level at best.
Eh they are about the same. Just different racials and class selections. Well that and levels of cuteness, beauty (which is the eye of the beholder), or how good like look in massive plate armor plus other aesthetics. We all know what asset the female draenei have over other races for example.
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There’s been horde favoritism for a long while now, and there’s tons of proof to back it up.
Here’s a few:
Nazjatar bases. Alliance’s base was garbage design vs horde’s base which was EPIC in size and had MULTIPLE GIANTS to defend it as well as tons of npcs. This came into warmode for the PVP quest weekly, alliance camp was small and always being camped. It was impossible to push into horde base.
Nazjatar starting quests. The alliance had to kill extra enemies after rescuing the NPC from the mini boss. The horde had to save their NPC, kill a boss…done! Off to your new base! Why did the alliance have to prove itself again further? Only blizz knows…bias writing.
Battleground designs. Made easier for the horde to win then alliance. Horde have less towers and less distance to traverse then alliance do to the horde’s boss. The BGs are not made equal.
Guard NPCs in Tanaan jungle. The alliance’s guards had less HP then the horde’s guards…I wonder why.
The creation of extra guards made specifically TO HELP THE HORDE being camped in front of the BFA dungeon. Only happened because the horde got camped. But when the horde camped alliance players landing off of flight paths…blizz did NOTHING. They ignored us. Yes the guards helped the alliance too by default, but it was done in response to help the horde to begin with.
Eh basically. Well there is really great lore that got tossed away and now I do not know what the heck is going on.
Eh do not bother comparing quests. There is no point. They are all easy.
Still, having to kill an extra 15 or w/e nazjatar mobs when the horde didn’t wasn’t fair. It showed biased design. I did both sides intro to nazjatar so I know personally.
There’s always been Alliance Bias, or at least Anti Horde Bias. Let me present my evidence
Case Closed.
No, because I remember reading Chromie’s story and it felt like I was reading one of those really bad fanfics written by a 13 year old.
Those were made by the original devs who were not biased, I had to go to the elevator in first pic on my alliance char in classic wow, so that’s for both to experience. But the last 2 elevators do suck, that being said, undercity was already predetermined in design as a city above another city in WC3 so by default its just that way as to respect the lore.
The ones who made the game where like 60-70% of the content was for the Alliance?
And how many alliance capitals have the annoyance of elevators?
Well we have the annoying walk-up(and down) in our mage tower to begin with that spirals. Then IF is just a huge circle with tons of walking. The walk between the bridges is also annoying in SW to some degree without flying - too much water splitting the zones and having to go to the tiny bridges to get to the docks for example.
I do feel like when it comes to the faction story, the Alliance does get it much, much better despite Horde seemingly getting the spotlight a bit more, but usually comes in the form of Horde getting the villain bat and a few of their main cast being killed off/turned evil for the lols.
That and the Alliance is stacked with characters who are also borderline demigods at this stage.
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