Is there horde or alliance favortism? Or neither

All the writers that developed the lore of Warcraft are long gone. All we have left are people that think some undead Mary Sue flying around like Goku being better than you is good writing.


It’s because the horde’s history has been essentially created in blood and death. Easier to make them the villains when the original roots of their creation was that itself…blood and death everywhere they went. The alliance have done a few evil things, but not as bad as the horde. Nothing will ever compare to the countless draenei they slaughtered in the name of the legion.

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I mean the Alliance had Arthas and he butchered his own people and an entire other kingdom.


Yes but he was manipulated by the legion into taking the sword, which then corrupted him and darkened his emotions. It wasn’t his fault. Once he started taking souls of non-legion or non-undead, he was no longer alliance.

We know this because in an alternate timeline, he did not take the sword, married Jaina, had a kid named Uthor and stayed good.

Both sides complain a lot. Then point at the other side and never remember they do.

The alliance have only ever gotten one good thing the draenei. Definitely horde favoritism.

WoD garrison says…alliance wins.

that one you spend lots of money for fulll upgrade and the place gets real nice.

Horde you spend 1000’s of gold for bigger mudhuts.

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You mean like the Orcs were too?

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In a way yes, except he was done so by a evil sword rather then demon blood.

As did I and found them both basic boring mmo quest lines.

Eh do not read fanfics unless you know where to find good ones.

I would rather live in a horde garrison than an alliance one to be honest. I have a feeling the horde are far more sanitary due to lack of humans.

Tauren have hooves, too. You’re playing one, you should know this.

I think Blizzard doesn’t have a bias, but I’m sure there are individuals with bias that work for Blizzard. I have a horde preference, but I enjoy playing alliance to see some of the zones.

Pretty much all the devs who play the game play Horde and always have

The most popular Allied race on Alliance is just a slightly less good-looking version of something that Horde has had for fifteen years. Then they gave fat humans to Alliance and handsome trolls to Horde, and then diaper gnomes to Alliance and cute foxes to Horde

Back in the hay day only alliance could be paladins. And pallys were the love child of blizz. Horde cities are like little mud huts you see on national geographic. alliance have these beautiful stone cities with citadels.
Lore wise: Saurfang killed, voljinn killed by random mob, sylvanas warchief kills Saurfang betrays the forsaken. Her story arc ruined by terrible story writing. Baine dropped off a cliff like watching the undertaker choke slam a midget off a cliff. Tyrande high priestess of the alliance cuts off nathanos head. Hellscream goes bezerk and thrall kills him. Baine spends half the xpac sitting on the floor in orbis…
Back at the alliance farm varian died three xpacs ago….but only to make room for the godlike child boy trained as a priest and rolls as a paladin.

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I am favored ,you all are there just to make my experience great :+1:

Blizz has an absolute bias with two specific subsets of The Horde and The Alliance: The edgy “kill the alliance and burn the world” horde and the “Righteous” paladin-like alliance, especially in lore