Is there anything in game that says Ashenvale is owned by the Horde?

Malfurion’s attack in Astranaar never happened in-game, so your messaging isn’t very clear.

In-game the Horde just marched out of Astranaar and there were some Forsaken Rogues behind that the Alliance player cleaned up, and that was it.

This is unfounded speculation, especially considering that supposedly Tyrande still has so much of the Night Warrior’s power during Shadowlands that the excess will have to be channeled into other vessels.

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Perhaps it did not occur to her Ladyship that there was plenty of targets left to vent on in Darkshore.

Maybe we cleared them out lore wise before the Tyrande and her forces moved on to Hyjal.

Which is almost a dead certainty that Tyrande will not die. you know, to prove how “special” she is.

i usually snark at people calling this character or that a “mary sue” but uhhhh that’s coming pretty close.

I guess we’ll see!

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She definitely will for many reasons, the main reasons are to openly show their hatred towards Night Elf fans and the fact that Tyrande achieved justice in 8.1 which made up for all of Teldrassil and the war of thorns (according to the devs).
Her character is basically done, and her abandoning her people just to die to Sylvanas, Nathanos or maw forces are proven by voice lines.

…there are no such voice lines. There are scenario descriptions which may be utterly changed by the next build. They don’t even have the Scenario itself fully built.


We have the voice lines where it’s told that Tyrande’s fate is sealed and she will die because of her Night Warrior powers, and we have

where Tyrande abandons her people to vengefully disappear in the maw, and how is she going to survive in the maw when she couldn’t even handle Nathanos outside of the maw ?

Just accept it, it’s over for Tyrande. There are several more things that foreshadowed her death and sadly, there’s nothing we can do about it.

Bad things happening to a character or a race is not, and has not ever been proof that the writers openly hate their fans.


If it happens over and over again it is. If blizz removes an entire race’s population, city and their zones from the game and the game’s setting, then says that killing 1 Val’kyr was compensation for that, THEN kill of their leader and praise those that commited genocide against that race as heroic then yes, it is hateful.

You could’ve argued against it if Shadowlands had to offer anything else than even more bad things. People were even foolish enough to think that things would go uphill for Night Elves again.

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If you feel this way, then why do you subscribe to them? Unless you unsubscribed already?

No, it still isn’t. That’s just the race being Worfed, which is a problem. But it still doesn’t mean the writers have it out for your preferred race.


I’d imagen its still largely contested territory since if the Alliance did manage to hold and capture Ashenvale they could launch attacks on Bilgewater Harbour or Org with impunity.

I thought for sure it’s implied in the war table missions that the Alliance retakes Ashenvale.

Honestly if you read all the mission descriptions for the war table the Horde gets its butt kicked multiple times on multiple fronts.

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I’m unreasonably upset that all these major faction war moves in a supposedly ‘faction war’ expansion are relegated to mission table texts that 90% of people don’t read.


Because she has plot armor for Maw Survivaol just as Nathanos had plot armor against her.

First rule of comics, never assume death if there isn’t a body. And sometimes not even then.

Yea but Nathanos is an NPC the writers love while Tyrande is the exact opposite. That’s not going to work out well for her.

Tyrande was the hero of the Val’Sharah storyline. You’re stretching to claim that the writers “hate” the character. Her actions during the Suramar storyline emphasise that she’s a flawed hero… and more interesting as a result.

That was when we lost Ysera and everyone started hating Tyrande and Malfurion because of those ridiculous “Where are you my love” dialogues…
Even worse, the writer of those lines said that it was Malfurion too saying this, not just Xavius.

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Fans hate for the most idiotic reasons.

Sometimes even the writers are wrong. This instance is clearly one of them as anyone who played the scenario and the subsequent dungeon would realise.