Is there anything in game that says Ashenvale is owned by the Horde?

To be fair, that’s been the standard in WoW since basically forever. Zones are very rarely updated to reflect the final outcome of events/conflicts. That’s why the Iron Horde is still attacking the Blasted Lands, and why Ashenvale is still under attack from Garrosh, Barrens is besieged by Alliance, etc…

I do wish that there weren’t so many zones that are just in a constant state of “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”


Zones don’t even need to be updated in this case, they can just do with a line of dialogue. A zone update would be nice, but that’s not realistic for every time a zone changes, but information on the state of a zone after a conflict like this should be standard.


You earlier said

And Tyrande got Darkshore back in like… 8.3 ? Atleast that’s when the cutscene was implemented into the game and then removed again. After that there was peace so nope, no Ashenvale.

Accept it, the writers want Ashenvale to be Horde territory, there’s nothing to speculate about they have made it very clear.

That’s what I thought at the start of BfA, but seeing how they treated and conclused Teldrassil it’s very obvious to me now. Not only with 8.1 being their entire revenge plot and conclusion for Teldrassil, but also with different things like Sylvanas, Nathanos, the Horde and the Burning of Teldrassil being glorified and/or justified and things happening to Tyrande in Shadowlands (Alpha) that are just insulting as an ending for her story.
Also destroying all zones the Night Elves owned and giving those that aren’t destroyed to the Horde (such as Ashenvale) or just killing off all Night Elves that existed in the lore.

this headcanon again lol

you got no proof, the point if this thread is to post proof, the op and everyone else is waiting

The cutscene got implemented in 8.3 (and then removed again after like 1 week), this is proof.

We have proof that Ashenvale is still Horde territory as Dreadmoore mentioned earlier and the Night Elves never got it back. Realistically they also wouldn’t have a chance to get it back even if they tried because they’re near extinct.

Should we just assume that the Barrens are Alliance territory now ? Or Durotar?

The writers wanting bad things to happen to the Night Elves is commensense now, if you still don’t think that this is the case then you’re either in denial, trolling or delusional. It wasn’t certain at the start of BfA but seeing how Teldrassil got concluded and handled after, it is certain now.

That’s true, that should be easy enough.

Though I really would like to see it reflected in game more instead of relying on a random line of text or a tweet from a dev. Phasing has existed since at least Wrath, I don’t know why they don’t utilize it more.

It just makes the world feel far less organic to have pitched battles going on constantly. Especially when it’s enemies that we defeated 5-10 years ago.

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yeah lol from a good war, theres two years of lore inbetween hah

there was no horde troops in ashenvale in 8.2.5 and the war was over in 8.2.5 but the horde magically found troops to fight with in 8.3 according to you like kek

Okay, feel free to give me a source of the Night Elves reclaiming it after then, I’ll wait.

And in the meantime, I’ll claim that the Alliance controls the barrens and durotar now because there’s X years of lore between the last statement that the Horde has them and now.

Yet again, since the writers want Ashenvale to be a Horde zone, it’s ridiculous to assume that it will be a Night Elf zone again.

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its like you cant read can you, the last update we got of ashenvale, the very last one, is that theres no horde troops in it anymore, thats it we dont know anymore than the horde left it.

Oh yeah for sure updating zones is the best option and updating zones would make the world feel far more alive. They are picking the worst option though which is no information, another bad option would be, like you’re saying, things we have to hunt down outside of the lore such as tweets or randomly asked question at a convention. They really need to develop the world a lot more instead of leaving the player out of information that would be common knowledge to even commoner in game npcs such as do the night elves have ashenvale back or not.

This is never stated, additionally Tyrande wasn’t even at the siege to kill Sylvanas which implies she was still fighting the horde somewhere else. We also don’t know if the horde is still occupying Ashenvale after the treaty because we don’t know what was even in the treaty.


They never said that the ENTIRE Horde left it. They can still have guards, civilians or whatever stationed in Ashenvale. Sylvanas pulled back HER forces, not all Horde forces.

No, night elves are not near extinction. You keep saying this lie over and over. Do you want it to be true? Your head is so deep in that sand all anyone can hear is a muffled “REEEEEEEE DA NIE ERVS!!!” With only rage filled feet frantically flailing about above ground.

“The cathedral could hold no more refugees, not even in the darkest corners of its extensive catacombs. The inns had ten to fifteen in each room. Even certain areas of the keep were filled with silent, stoic kaldorei. The flood spread to seemingly every surface of the city, continued down through the Valley of Heroes, and spilled out most of the way to Goldshire.” -elegy

This doesn’t even include night elves that were already at stormwind or any other area with a heavy night elf presence like wetlands, hyjal, or valshara. 100% of the night elves were not in teldrasill. We see them all across azeroth.


Then why did Elegy mention that there are far too few left now?

I don’t want anything to be true that happened to the Night Elves in BfA and then got swept under the rug, but nobody cares what I want.

Probably like 80-90%, because Elegy mentions that there are barely any left now. Blame it on the writers and not me, I’d much rather have the Night Elves still have a decent population but apparently there weren’t many outside of Teldrassil :woman_shrugging:

There are only two Alliance settlements and one other flgiht point in Ashenvale that aren’t being actively contested by the Horde.

Depends on which Night Warrior edition Tyrande is at the time. Is she the “I have the power of a God and therefore can nuke Horde soldiers in one shot” Or is she the “I have the power of a God, but this undead Human with a wooden bow is really giving me trouble” version? because the Night Warrior’s power seems to be incredibly inconsistent.


That’s how the horde works (or worked), though. There’s no separation of forsaken or orc or tauren troops. They’re all horde forces, and Sylvanas controlled them all.

Wish we got to see this version ever.


This one seems to be the version they have been going for, and it’s especially ironic when you find out what happens to Tyrande in Shadowlands because of these “powers”.

Yea but nothing suggests that the Horde pulled all forces out of Ashenvale or that the Night Elves would ever get that zone back simply because the writers don’t want that.

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We saw a little bit of it when she first became the Night Warrior. She was able to freeze those Forsaken in place in that little camp near Nathanos.


Isn’t she supposedly dying because she cannot handle Elune’s power? it was something like that I remember reading.