Is there any reason to run Torghast after you get your legendary?

Until I can even come close to affording the much better upgrade, is there even a reason to run Torghast at all? I feel like soul ash becomes instantly useless the moment you get your legendary… Is there no vendor or anything that offers other features? Any reason I should bother to do this piece of content if I have my legendary besides to pile up soul ash (which has an 8k cap anyway…)?

To upgrade it !!!


i think there is a upgrade feature for the legendary
i am still 1k short for my back legendary

Don’t you need a higher ilvl crafted piece to upgrade it though? They’re crazy expensive on my server so I won’t be buying one for a while.

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i have the second to last cloak that why i am saving the ash
i do not know about the item need to upgrade atm

Never hurts to have the soul ash ready for when you can afford it though.

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Its upgradable.

Plus you can open up options for multiple specs if you ignore Covenants.

You can build several legendaries as well and Swap between them.

I’d rather have the soul ash already ready to go for the the upgrade piece when you get it. Better, imho, than starting to farm after.

You can craft dozens of legendaries if you wanted to.
If you only plan on using a single legendary ever, regardless of spec, then ya, just basically four weeks of doing torghast and you will have all the soul ash you would need to get that one legendary maxed.
At least until they raise the max inevitably haha

I have no reason to craft more than my BiS though so :confused:

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Atm i have 2 and one is in the raid
i have the one from torghast

Why not? Your “BIS” is likely not BIS in every scenario, and it certainly isn’t BIS for all your specs.


Marksman I have 2 crafted: the rapidfire reset one and the serpent sting with aimed shot one. I don’t really have a use for anything else or can’t imagine there’s a scenario where anything else is really any better tbh. I only play MM as the other two don’t interest me at all.

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If you can do all the layers, which most folks can’t because of the stupidly hard bosses in the upper layers. Honestly, whenever I get the legendary drop I want, I am going to buy mine that has been upgraded several times already. They are not bad priced on my server, a ilvl200+ is around 30-40k gold and the price has been steadily dropping.

I don’t need the bestest, shiniest legendary, because in a couple of months, it will be out dated. You know, the gear treadmill.

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You can keep crafting different legendaries, for alt specs too. And in future patches we will probably be allowed to use more legendaries.

Oh I see, I had assumed we were talking about on your paladin here.
Ya, its much easier when you are a 3-dps spec class for sure.
Well either way, outside of progressing the story quest, there wont be any reason for you to continue with torghast if you are not interested!

I personally plan on crafting every legendary I can though for sure.

Me too, even if only for completion’s sake. May as well since I am one of the few (on the forums) who likes Torghast.

Yes, torghast’s twisting corridors floors have a ton of rewards as well as extra legendaries for off spec.

None whatsoever. Stop running it now. Don’t even run it on alts.
Soul Ash = Time played metric. Stop feeding the machine of cooperate greed… I mean Death, yeah death that’s what this is about.