Is there any reason to run Torghast after you get your legendary?

I wanna craft most legendaries to unlock the awesome mog!!

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There’s also a few followers for your Adventure board you can get out Torghast if that interests you.

Aah what’s twisting corridors? Is it another wing that isn’t up right now? I don’t see it on the list.

I forgot about the Mog. Run it ONLY for the mog!

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Yes, you can see them in the torghast room locked still. 144 floors.


Carrot on a stick content…why you no try to eat it!!

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Because I can never reach it?
Bet it comes to the cash shop soon…maybe for a six month sub lol.

I mean you’re gonna need quite a bit of soul ash to upgrade it. After that, it’s just matter of if you like playing different specs and upgrading their legendaries. Twisting corridors is supposed to have mounts/pets/cosmetics as well.

Grind out mats yourself or on an alt and get a guild blacksmithy to do it for cheap/free.

You are class that can fill three roles, so there has to be at least 4 to 5 legendaries for those specs. Then if you PvP, there might be one there as well. Plus you never know when Blizzard will upgrade poor performing ones in an impulse patch. There is no reason to not grind it unless you are at the cap.

I made my first legendary today for healing. Then doomwinds finally dropped for me. I am kind of excited to do torghast for the soul ashes now

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They nerfed Torghast yesterday. Should be fine going back in there to do the upper layers.