Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

your post is basically ignorant because you’re shouting about “earning gold in game” when all we are arguing about is blizzard gets paid no matter what

OK wow is not p2w same goes for lost ark

As soon as you link to where you’re buying this upgrade in the Blizz shop we’ll all agree with you. Go on, we’ll wait…


The WoW token section.

Tokens get me gold. I want upgrades.


I view Pay 2 Win as having unrealistic F2P progression. WoW’s progression is pretty much the same, its just if you pay money, and you are bad, someone can help you do it.

I also view Pay 2 Win as P2W Whales having nearly untouchable abilities/stats. That is not the case in WoW. Good players will actually progress faster. And there is not a “VIP Tier” that no one else can get.

However, I still strongly dislike boosting/wow tokens.


Pay to Win models are generated by offering something that you cannot get in game without real money transactions.

Boosting is not P2W seeing as everyone has access to say AoTC and M15 mount in game, without paying anything (beyond the sub fee).

For WoW to be P2W, they’d have to lock Korthia and gear above 230 behind an extra $40 one time fee, where those who paid it, get 230-252 gear, and those who don’t are permanently stuck <230.

That’s the difference.


How can you not understand that if you don’t need to buy a token for a boost Blizz isn’t getting paid? I mean really?

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So you’re making up a hypothetical that doesn’t exist to prove your argument now?

That’s not how that works.


Blizzard gets paid by every person in this situation no matter what happens, because we all pay a subscription.

But if someone buys a boost with gold earned in game, there are no tokens involved


Use said gold u just bought with real money to have a booster aquire your full set of bis pvp gear while u afk eating a sandwich

you dont have to pay to win outside of the subscription for access. outside of that, you pay for convenience.

buy token with money to:

get gold in game to get a powerful legendary.
get gold in game to buy AOTC or Mythic raid clear.
get gold in game to buy KSM.
get gold in game to buy Glad(?)

if paying for convenience is P2W, then its P2W.

none of those things require real money (outside of the sub for access), so its not P2W in that sense.

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Because you are not taking into account that people can convert gold into tokens

tokens don’t appear out of thin air. someone buys them

That is exactly how it works

Nor does his example reflect pay to win. It’s paying for convenience. P2W is buying something that someone else cannot obtain in game without the RMT.

Grinding for 50 hours or paying $50 up front = same. Just paying is, well, paying for the convenience to skip the time restraints on it.

Now, if those upgrades were only available via shop. Now it’s P2W

Someone who gets it


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druids are the superior class. of course we get it :smiley:


Nothing about this is P2W.

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I can do that without buying gold. I have gold.


Boosting existed before WoW tokens, so your entire premise is false. Care to try again?