Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

you are because you said:

You’re not paying Blizzard, which means the game isn’t P2W.

you are trying to pretend like blizzard does not get extra 5 dollars from a token just because you don’t pay it.

guess what? they always do because someone buys a token

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I get it now after looking at weatherman’s ratings… he thinks it’s the boosters who are preventing him from actually getting a good rating and this is his way to blame them.

Tell it to the guy over here selling boosts out of one side of his mouth, while complaining about P2W out of the other side.

Wanna hear an interesting fact?

I could buy $200 worth of tokens (what’s that, 2 million in gold?), hand you all that gold, then you could log off. I couldn’t get that gold back and Blizzard won’t help me get it back. Wanna know why?

Paying you to win a bg for me isn’t a supported transaction and Blizzard will not involve themselves.

The trust that you’re good enough and trustworthy falls completely on your shoulders. You are pay2win.


Unless the token you just bought can only be used to then pay for boosting services your entire argument is false, and frankly quite stupid.

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But I didn’t use that token I bought to buy a boost. I used it to buy some orbs from the merchant to craft a Jeweled Onyx Panther.

So… they didn’t get a $5 tip for a boost.


My post actually disproves this entirely.

If I grind out my gold and buy it from NO ONE, but then I use said gold to buy a boost, is that still Pay2win?

If you say yes, you’re admitting that ANY game is pay2win because you can pay any other player to play for you to get ahead.

If you say no, you’re being dishonest about being able to buy gold and what YOU ultimately use it for in the end.

And you’re trying to pretend that boosting didn’t happen before tokens were available, which means you’re being dishonest about your entire argument.


Anything outside of EARNING an item, consumables, or power upgrades is P2W. Let’s not blur the line between earning and cheating.

Everything evolves and seeing P2W 15 years ago as buying a 3rd party piece of hardware (Gameshark, ActionReplay, etc…) does not mean P2W hasn’t evolved past using 3rd party hardware; because it most certainly has.

WoW is P2W through boosting. You are not EARNING the power upgrades; hell…you don’t even have to press a single key on your keyboard. You may as well be in the menus of a gameshark or action replay because once you exit those menus you needn’t press a single button once in the game/dungeon/raid/arena.

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Crazy how all you guys have done is try to point out that there being a random middle man makes it somehow okay and not bad for the game?

your argument is stupid as well by that logic “I’m not paying blizzard someone is”

all this time im telling you blizzard does not care who pays them. They want to get paid and now you’re dodging it by saying token can be used for other things

of course it can mr obvious but we were not talking about what the token can be used for, only that blizzard gets paid no matter how you spin your storyu

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Not sure. Did the Patriots win the Super Bowl yesterday? When was the last time the Yankees were even in the World Series?

Weathermanx said he wins pvp for people. He is pay2win.

You’re right, Weathermanx is earning them for me.

p.s. I’m not paying him with gold from tokens.


The way YOU phrased this made it sound like Blizzard was actually coordinating with the boosters and backing them.

Don’t back pedal. Be clear on what you mean here.

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your entire post is so weird when did I even talk about you buying a boost with your gold is pay to win, im just saying blizzard gets paid always

are you guys losing the plot

This, again, goes back to the broad definition I mentioned earlier that makes EVERY game P2W if you pay someone else IN ANY WAY to play part or all of it for you.

I’ll disprove your argument easily. I happen to be friends with someone who routinely gets glad. My friend will also carry me in games so I can get the elite gear sets. I didn’t pay him a dime. I will normally die within the first 30 seconds because I’m terrible at pvp and he will then process to 2v1. Nothing in this is P2W.

In short, your entire argument only works if everyone is playing at the same skill level. This is obviously false, and therefore so is your whole argument.


Think of it likes this.
Let’s say in call of duty there is 5 upgrades for your weapon.
Each upgrade makes it so 20% more damage. Huge advantage over other people yeah?
You can either spend 50$ in the cash store and go straight to level 5
Or you can play for 50 hours and grind it.
This game is pay to win.

WoW is the same exact way, you just pay real money to blizzard so that u can get someone to get that gun for you. Both are detrimental


Your entire argument is stupid. You can earn gold in game without giving blizzard a penny and therefore they aren’t getting any money as a result of boosting. In short, you’re wrong.

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Where on on the Blizz store can I get upgrades for Tovi?


You “did”, but going back I reread the context.

I just don’t get why people want to die on the hill on whether a game is P2W or not because of the steps involved in the game. Who cares? You can still buy gold which can buy the progression that matters to you, in other blatant P2W games you don’t buy boosts you just spend the currency in their shop, but the end result is the same.

For me there’s a really simple check; can I spend money on the game and turn it into progression? If the answer is yes then the game is P2W, or at least has P2W functionality to it in some aspect. The fact of the matter is if two people race to do pretty much anything in this game and one spends money on the token while the one doesn’t the former is guaranteed to be be done first. The fact that the playerbase props up the system is irrelevant to me.

Honestly even if the WoW token didn’t exist the game still has P2W functionality to it, just far less impactful, this is why P2W is not a literally defined thing that everyone agrees on and I prefer to think about what system functionalities the game has. You could still buy character boosts, mounts, toys, cosmetics, etc and that does amount to some level of being able to win, but it’s far more niche given how MMOs are designed these days.