Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

So you agree that blizzard gets paid no matter what as long as the wow token is there?

we are not arguing about anything else

Okay? Your point?

Agreed, no one said it was?

How am I paying Blizzard to win the game if I’m just using my gold?


And wasn’t supported the entire time, which mean blizzard got no money. Care to try again?

Generally most people use P2W to refer to an advantage that you can get by paying real money that isn’t available through other means. Since every advantage you listed can be purchased with in-game gold (which can be obtained using normal in-game methods) then it’s not an example of pay to win.

Even if we were to remove the WoW token, none of those methods of gaining advantage would disappear. You could still get gear/carries with gold.

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Unless you have proof of boosters giving money to Blizz this is a dumb argument.

Ur not? No one said this was pay to win because u put time in the game to get that gold. It’s that the option exists to drop $200 and get that instantly that’s p2w

Sorta like using a credit card :sunglasses:

Blizzard still doesn’t get money if use my gold and it’s still not a supported transaction.

You can take my gold, lose the match and I can’t get my gold back because Blizzard doesn’t want anything to do with it.


I paid for a couple name changes and server transfers but never gear or buffs.

Someone should link the Inigo Montoya meme for reals.

It’s pay for convenience not pay to win.

I can understand the pvp boosting is a little different though.

ah, always nice to see the “everyone who doesn’t agree with my definition of a phrase that means different things to different people is an idiot” approach


Never said they did? Ur making no sense here bud reread and try again

I don’t need to read again, you not being able to follow simple logic is a you problem, not a me problem.

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Okay?? 10char

It’s funny that people are still calling WoW P2W after boosting is almost dead.

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You should actually do some research on this subject before posting because there are plenty of blatant P2W games offer the same rewards for either money or time spent and the trick is that people who choose not to spend money can never keep up with those who do. You’ll never beat the person spending for convenience, or advantage, or whatever silly label you want to throw on it.

What WoW does have over other blatant P2W games is a skill component that allows you to overcome how much they swipe as swiping in other games will result in beating anyone who doesn’t swipe, or didn’t swipe as much. As far as WoW goes that basically means you need to be a high end mythic raider or PvPer and we all know that population is increasingly more niche.

But at the end of the day it doesn’t change that the token enables P2W functionality, WoW is just a lot more dimensional than blatant P2W games that let you be indisputably better by spending more than others.


Can I use gold that I farmed in-game? From like world quests and the AH?


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