Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Can I P2W someone to come do my laundry please thanks.

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But paying others to play the game for them earns them the same rewards as those who play and earn it themselves is what makes it pay-to-win.

However, personally, yes, I think paying someone else to play the game for them makes them losers, not winners.

And I still say Blizzard should have it so anyone not meeting a certain threshhold of engagement in a dungeon/raid does not get achievement/achievement progress/title/mount/pet/whatever from any boss and/or completion.

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This game is 100% pay to win and I don’t understand how anyone can come up with the conclusion that it isn’t

You can literally pay people to win the game for you in all of the 3 end game content types(Mythic, Raid PVP)

Two people have fresh 60 accounts. One decides to buy boosts and the other decides to actually learn/play the game. Who gets added to end game content?

1)The ilevel 230+ with AOTC achievement and full shard set
2)The ilevel 210 with no achievements

As a community we need to stop acting like these boosts don’t negatively affect players.


Likely some youtuber shill feeding you your opinions.

Which one? I don’t care to guess. Gear doesn’t mean jack if you have no idea how to play your class, I don’t really care how you slice it you will always be able to tell the difference between someone whom plays at a high level and someone whom boosted.

No skin off my nose if you want to delude yourself though, you do you.


You think people who pay wow tokens to get boosts care about how to play their class? lol!

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But you’re not paying Blizzard, you are paying other people. You just said that yourself. You guys make no sense.


It’s sad you need this explained to you, but just because it involves a booster that blizzard is in contact with, doesn’t change the fact that you can pay money, and get a large advantage over others. Regardless of the avenues u need to take

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Is this some veiled “get on my level” thing or some veiled “These people are beating me and I’m sad” thing.

I can’t tell which.


The fact that you don’t get the distinction between a random person “selling” a service in game versus being able to pay Blizz directly for mythic clears is kind of sad.


you’re dodging

Blizzard gets paid no matter who purchases a token they don’t care if it comes from your shiny gold coins


False. There would be no boost market if this were true.
3 times the damage over someone else does mean Jack

Wait, Blizzard is now CONTACTING boosters?

Are YOUR arms tired, because that is a HUGE reach.

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What is made up crap for $500 Alex.


So are you, answer this:

You either won’t, or you can’t because it breaks your argument.


I didn’t dodge anything, I am not to blame because you can’t follow toddler logic and think that giving money to Blizz and using gold to pay a third party for something is the same thing.

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Yes there would be.

Because there’s been a “Boost” market since the beginning of this game, and you can still clearly see the difference between people who bought accounts or got carried to certain thresholds since Vanilla.

Boosting isn’t a new thing, and tokens didn’t create it. Yet same as ever, there’s a stark difference between someone who just bought their account / got carried to their gear, and someone whom actually knows what their doing.

The fact you think this is a false statement means you’re completely clueless on the subject. :rofl:


you don’t realize my post is proved by you, conveniently cutting it


You’re clueless, this scandle already leaked months ago

This thread is now my reader’s digest for later. So many different viewpoints, so much anger. Soaps got nothing on this.


It doesn’t because it’s just irrelevant. If you get the gold legitimately then it’s fine, not pay to win. That’s the end of it? Not sure how that effects paying 200$ for bis gear