Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

But I don’t have to buy tokens. I have the gold. So I’m not giving anything to Blizzard, just you.

So how is WoW pay2win again?


This analogy makes zero sense and I can tell now you’re just reaching. Arms hurt yet?

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False, doing triple someone’s damage and double healing outweighs skill.

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It’s an exact analogy. Can’t help you don’t understand how analogies actually work.

Maybe you should just give up here, you’re clearly over your head.


Not if you don’t know what you’re doing and not getting that output.

But then again, you’re not actually debating anything you’re just parroting someone else’s talking points spoon fed to you.

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You’ve yet to address how paying $200 to be able to do triple the damage of 90% of the player base isn’t p2w

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Exactly this.

If I NEVER buy gold from Blizzard, but I grind it out and pay for a boost, am I then participating in PAY2WIN?

The argument falls apart there.


Or they played the AH. Or they just endured the grind. Nobody has to buy a token in order to amass gold.


You don’t have to know what you’re doing to get that output the damage is so much higher.
I am the booster. Who would be spoon feeding me this exactly?

Money for gold, gold for boosts.



You rag on people having ridiculous definitions of P2W but apparently yours is black and white in that if the game doesn’t literally hand it to you on a silver platter immediately after swiping the card then it’s not P2W, which just ignores all reason.

But considering you want to consider games that have no cash options as P2W anways because someone might literally cheat by having someone pilot for them I shouldn’t be surprised.

Oh well, common sense eludes some people.


You’ve yet to show your work here.

I’ve not seen anyone do triple damage over 90% of the playerbase.


if people had money they can buy the following things in game:

raid completion, full set of gear (can be funneled in raid, mythic+), gladiator mount and achievement

due to wow token this is possible, you beat the game every season in current content by throwing money

i think that is pay to win, you play raids to gear or for cosmetics or the achieves and same for pvp

people who pay dont care about what the nobodies think of how good they are, they pay and get everything

yes wow is pay to win


I mean… sure, maybe… if the only path to gold was through the token. But it’s not.


Did I say that, anywhere?

I’m challenging your false assumptions on pay2win. I never said I was against games that had cash options for things.

Try not to assume things not in evidence, please.

The problem is I could get the same by giving you gold that I earned from selling battlepets or you could do this out of the kindness of your heart.

So again, I’m not giving anything to Blizzard, I’m giving it to YOU.

You are pay2win. Blizzard doesn’t have a team set up to do what you are doing.

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People who think WoW is P2W don’t understand what P2W actually means.

It’s sad you need this explained to you, but here you go. You’re not paying Blizzard, which means the game isn’t P2W. Third parties selling services within the game using it’s currency isn’t the same as the company selling those services directly. This is logic a toddler could follow.


Then it’s time for you to Q up some arena buddy

Address this for me first:

There is a limit… Click the drop down to limitations… But yes, you’re still not incorrect that the game has become P2W.