Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

The race to world first exists solely on BOE’s. Every time they spend eleventy billion gold, often times buying it from gold sellers. Every top guild has admitted it.

Where did all of this come from? I havent brought up paid carries once.

I am talking about BOEs.

Clearly people buy BOEs, thats why they cost so much.

Echo spent 478 Million gold on the SoD race.

Check out the blizzardwatch article on it. First result in google when you search “how much do mythic raid guilds spend on BOEs”

I was clever of you two to try to gaslight me out of the obvious, but the evidence is clearly there for research.

“The bulk of these gold costs are still going towards BOE items,”

You are just wrong.

On this note don’t world first guilds spend a lot of money buying up materials and BoEs in order to get every last advantage they can to win the world first race?

I remember an article about how Method had spent tens of millions of gold in BfA over it.

Which seems like winning even at the absolute top level in this game.

True, because $$ is infinitely more valuable than ilvl.

Or maybe they use that BoE money to buy boosts :rofl: so they can win at the game.

p2w even. Then they milk advertisers money, call people scrubs … and wallow in their shallow little no integrity lives.

Is there a point? Or are we just shouting out whatever thoughts come into our head now? Other things being equal, if you buy all mythic gear you get an advantage over an equally skilled and determined player who spent nothing. Absolutely no one has said you can just buy enough gear to do a +34 regardless of skill. But you can get advantages/headstart over your equals in the current system by spending money.

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Yes compare world firsts with etc with the general population.

When you need to use the top 0.1% to justify your point then its moot.

If I gave you 478 million gold can you get world first?

lul, hire peekaboo in 2’s

what do they call it … viewer carries?

Reading is not your forte. I explained to you multiple times that “winning” is metaphorical, but you autistically insist that LANGUAGE MUST BE LITERAL OR NO MAKE SENSE!!! You are not winning anything in an MMO. The game does not end. There are no prizes. It is a treadmill. In the metaphor, paying to “win” is paying to gain some advantage over others who do not pay, or who pay less.

It isn’t dodging the question because you are too simple-minded and tragically impoversihed to understand the non-literal use of language and insist on the presence of a victory screen to grasp the term “win.” I hope some day you are able to recover and gain a richer, fuller view of life.

Except it isn’t. If it happens at all, the proves my point.

A ridiculous argument. If you have two guilds of equal skill and one can afford better items, they will have a better run.

Just because I am personally not a mythic raider doesn’t mean that buying gold for advantages doesn’t happen.

Although I agree WoW can dip into P2W occasionally at the highest levels - people buying pvp and mythic cleats are not paying to win.

It’s the people that sell those services (in addition to buying tokens) that are paying to win.

Yeah, you could pay now, get some stuffs. You thought you’ve won.

Then another patch came, what would you do? Pay again? About the next patch, about the next expansion? You thought you’ve win. In the eyes of true gamer, you are a loser.

You think you could queue by yourself on high keys or Mythic raid and get invited? No. Becoz you are a joke. And you still you think you win? ROFL. :rofl:

You don’t. I already know you just want to dodge the question. So, there’s no need to continue repeating yourself to me but do continue, if you must.

OK, so you classify this as “winning the game”, got it.

See how easy that was?

Still dodging the question.

It doesn’t matter if the “winning” is objectively true or not. It’s about what you perceive as “winning”. We’re getting closer.

Minor or not, it’s what you feel. Just own up to your feelings instead of trying to find other tired out justifications for it. You feel what you feel. Nobody can tell you how you feel.

So, you share a similar stance to the other poster, who actually answered my question, first and then some.

Give me an example of an indirect buying of power.

You already said it, but you can continue repeating it, if you want.

I’m only disagreeing with your opinion about it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help find a better alternative about it. If anything, you’re the one nitpicking at me for NOT considering it “P2W” because of what I constitute as “winning the game”.

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I couldnt care less if some bad player thats never killed a mythic boss takes me seriously or not.

In that case this game has never had integrity because people have been buying carries forever

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oh no … a looooser. LOL … these people are middle aged and by broke gamer kid standards … rich. They don’t care about the money, or what you think about it. They just want to have some fun. 10 grand … psh who cares. Spend more than that on the car in my garage … which has never once started.

Also lol snozy … looking up my achieves and bringing it up is pathetic. lol … dude this is my forum account i’ve had since wow began. I don’t play on this aside from with friends.

He probably cant based on his comments.

I would love to hear this cracked out explanation.

So liquid spent 728 million and Echo spent 478 million

If the game is so P2W why didn’t liquid win?

I mean they spend over 700+ million even before the race was over.

I guess skills do make a difference even in RWF right?

So its not as p2w as you think then right? even with all the gold in the world most players can’t reach that level.

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Achievements are account wide btw so it doesnt matter what character you are posting on.

Yea thats how confirmation bias works.

You’re so clueless I just don’t have the energy. :v: