Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?


I love snozy and his ilk. They call everyone a troll and then use the circular logic of a 5 year old.

It’s p2w. Sorry.

There is very little you can achieve in this game that I can’t just buy with my lunch money. Mythic raids, no problem. 2400 pvp rank … no biggie. cheap even. Then I can use that gear to farm you all day and take raid spots. Yay.

Watch them be like … oh boy … you got gear but no skills … u goin die.

Except no. With enough gear, this game is cake. A few iterations on a melee and you can do just about any raid, and the hekili addon will get you through the rotation well enough.


No. No I didn’t. Try reading the entirety of my post before you go and make a fool of yourself yet again. Here I’ll make it easy too, I’ll make an easy to read list.

  1. BoEs only cover a few items slots for high iLvl. You have to fill the rest with lower iLvl gear (with no guarantee that you’ll meet iLvl requirements) or actually take the time to play the game to earn gear for the rest of your slots.
  2. BoE stat distribution is mediocre. BoEs act as a stop gap measure until you get the gear that actually works for your build.
  3. Having good gear does not make you a good player. If you don’t know how to play your class or how to do mechanics you will still be a bad player no matter what gear you have.

You aren’t buying an advantage of any kind. Buying BoEs is only useful if you are close to the iLvl requirements and just want to cut out the last bit of your grind. They are not an advantage.

Also, the biggest and most important thing here… you are buying them from other players who already have better items in that slot.

Oh and as everyone else has already pointed out to you COUNTLESS TIMES, anyone can buy them. It doesn’t require you to spend real money, nor does spending real money actually make it easier or faster to get them. Players have proven many times over that it is possible to earn just as much money as a WoW token gives with very little time investment. And methods of earning money in game can ultimately yield more gold than buying WoW tokens can due to the purchase limits for tokens.

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You’re just being silly. Just because I didn’t like this patch doesn’t mean I have never raided before. Anyone who has raided in any patch will tell you having high HPS or DPS is important to most guilds. Are you seriously denying that?

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See? I told you that you didn’t understand what an ad hominem was. This isn’t the ad hominem fallacy. I didn’t say your argument was wrong based on the qualities of the person that made it. I explained repeatedly to you why your argument was naive in detail multiple times- namely, you can purchase advantages with money and the fact that there are worse forms of pay to win doesn’t negate that WoW is also pay to win, to a more limited extent. You, on the other hand, opined that anyone who disagrees with your dumb, unreasoned argument must be a “bad player.” That’s an ad hominem because you are suggesting an argument should be rejected based on the presumed qualities of the persons making it- ie, that in your opinion, only “bad players” would make such an argument.

I’m always happy to help you learn new things! Just let me know if there’s more I need to explain more slowly for you.

They can’t admit it’s p2w, because then they have to acknowledge that their achievements don’t actually mean anything, and they have largely wasted their lives.

Please note where I said respectable.

No its not. You are commenting on people losing raid spots because of BoEs when that doesnt happen.

You clearly havent been in any good guilds then.

I do. And those against “P2W” because you HAVE to find something in this game as “winning” in order to feel like it’s “P2W”.

My mind was changed. Not really changed but I understand better (at least from one person who actually answered the question).

I didn’t say that to that person. I just don’t know what the solution would be, for it.

While still doing it LOL

A good guild doesn’t watch the DPS and HPS meters? Now I know you are trolling me.

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Even if the game was pay to win (its not) that wouldnt invalidate my achievements because I didnt pay to win.

So wrong

You have them. You earned them. I have them. I bought them with half an hour of my pay. We are the same … for any one that looks.

Nope, They watch the deaths meters and see why people are dying as thats what matters.

Just because someone could be low on the meters can be for multiple reasons like being assigned to seeds on mythic xymoc for example. DPS and HPS arent as important as you think they are.

And? I’m not understanding the problem…

If you don’t do enough damage you won’t make damage checks. If the healers don’t put out enough HPS the party dies. It’s very important for a guild leader to know if someone is lacking.

All it takes is looking at raiderIO and logs.

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Beyond easy to fake.

That is such a minor thing especially this season. Anyone thats serious about raiding is already going to be geared from Mplus making dps and hps checks minor.

Mechanics > DPS/HPS

Thats why trying to argue about BoEs shows you dont have any raiding experience that matters

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To be fair a lot of definitions I’ve seen of that term don’t strictly involve “winning”. It’s just a buzzword that stuck that was never really meant to be interpreted literally.

Kind of like how a RPG isn’t merely just a game in which you play a role, even though that’s the literal definition of those words.

My point is not that minds can’t be changed, but rather they’re unlikely to be changed simply by the fact of agreeing about a definition.

I think buying gold and level boosts is bad, regardless of what you want to call them. I wont say it’s impossible to get me to change my mind, but you wont do that by getting me to agree on a definition of pay to win.

Because my logic for them being bad isn’t “They’re bad because they’re pay to win”.

I’m not saying anybody specifically said that, just that I imagine most people here wouldn’t suddenly change their minds about if buying gold is okay or not based purely on if we can all agree on the definition of P2W.

No they arent lol

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I suggest you get some life skills, instead of spending your time trolling on the wow forums. You might actually have applicable talents.