Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

So you agree that EVERY game is pay2win by your broad definition.

Glad we are on the same page, and that your definition is terrible.


How is this not p2w?
This is quite literally, paying money then winning.


There is no accepted P2W definition, that’s why it’s so hotly debated. You can argue the semantics of this if you want, but it’s indisputable that WoW has a mechanism built into it that allows you to turn cash into progression. You can decide whether you think that’s good or bad for the game, but as far as I’m concerned that’s P2W, the fact that players are involved to get you that progression is just a red herring to change the subject.


So I can pay $200 and gear will jump into my bag?


Stop dodging and hard coping.
If I can drop $200 and have someone give me the best gear in the game, and 1 shot most other players with it. How is that not p2w?

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Yep, and you are also endowed with the skill to one-shot players, apparently.


Assuming you choose to buy a pvp boost, yup

Don’t need skill when you do 3 times their damage and double their healing because you spent 200$


Find me the button that says “pay X dollars and you’ll have the best gear the game has to offer”.

Doesn’t exist.

When Blizzard does THAT, get back to me.

Here’s a mirror.

Stop making such a broad definition to literally include every single game in existence.

I could make Chess pay2win by your definition.


Just one? I pay someone $200 and they win a bg for me then I get all BIS gear?


what ever money you spend , you won’t beat sailers anyway unless you buy an account and you can do this in every game so every game is P2W

Yup, Im a known booster. Trade me a few tokens and I literally have them afk in the starting room while I get them all bis gear

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No it’s not.

Getting gear from buying boosts doesn’t mean you win at anything. You’re still going to be garbage and get absolutely wrecked if you don’t know what you’re doing.

If you consider gear being the only thing that matters, then you have a very narrow mindset on what winning is.

No because u can’t buy an advantage over other players u bozo


But I thought you said WoW was pay2win. You’re making it sound like YOU are pay2win.


Doing triple someone’s damage and killing them through CDs with normal damage rotation doesn’t need skill. You must not have gone very far in the game


Money to gold is a currency exchange.

If I go to another country and exchange my money for their money, am I “gaining an advantage” over them?

Guess it would depend on how you use the money on the other end, wouldn’t it?

So again… NOT PAY2WIN.

And they paid real money for the currency they traded me, from blizzard store. Means p2w


If you’re bad enough to need to buy boosts, then anyone whom has an inkling of knowledge will do better than you.

It’s not false. You can buy a TBC account rogue with full BIS gear and twin warglaives and still do absolute garbage if you have no idea what the heck your doing.

Gear only gets you so far if you’re clueless.

Fact is, people absolutely have no idea what a real Pay to win game looks like, and likely just heard a streamer call WoW Pay to win and are now parroting the talking point with literally zero idea of what the term pay to win actually means.

It’s it’s blatantly obvious that’s the case on these forums. I doubt any of these people calling WoW Pay to win has ever actually stepped foot into an real pay to win game.


I mean sure, if you want to drop a thousand bucks to get a mythic carry to collect some gear, and then go do crappy DPS in a +15, I guess you can consider WoW P2W.

But you can do that in any game, just instead of buying currency through some shady third-party, you get it through Blizzard.

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