Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

a majority of those are you paying players. By this logic, all multiplayer games with economies are P2W.

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That’s where it becomes pay to win, because you can invest real money for ingame gold. If you don’t have time to farm, you might feel compelled to buy gold. Blizzard has developed the same kind of marketing scams mobile games use.

Yes we can. The definition he gave is this

Could you get an advantage over DrJay if you were to pay and he was not?
The answer is NO.

P2W doesn’t care if you’re a scrub. ITS THE WHOLE FREAKING POINT OF P2W. They LET scrubs win with MONEY.
If wow was P2W, you, the self-described scrub, could beat DrJay in any content by putting money in the game but you can’t.
WoW is not P2W.


I tried Diablo Immortal, the crown prince of P2W. WoW is not P2W.

I’m not Dr. Jays peer. A much better comparison for a peer would be two new players who just booted up the game. One buys gold and BOEs and they have equal skill. They get into a fight, who wins? Obviously the person who paid. Therefore he paid to win.

If the scenario above can happen, the game is pay to win. Paying for any advantage is paying to win.

Yea i understand that you’re trying to make a slippery slope argument. I just know better and that slippery slope is a logical fallacy, not a legitimate argument for anything. Still baffles me to this day how many people think it’s a good argument.

I have never seen a popular slippery slope argument that didn’t end up being true in the end. I think people use your counter-argument far too often and are blind to all the times it actually occurs. Escalation is real, it’s not made up.

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I think it’s legitimate to ask of you an example of which advantage it is possible to get over top players if the game is indeed P2W as you claim.

If you can’t produce a single example of how it is possible, I think it would show you’re arguing in bad faith.

That’s the definition you gave.

Nobody else put it in writing but you. Show us the receipts.

for the longboi mount at BfA, almost or maybe.

But the customization is not discussed as p2w need of this item you gonna OP, rather I would say that it is about to be an F2P as it is happening with OW2.

So you’re moving this to the definition of a peer now?
Let me help you here.
For the sake of the game and what it entail for blizzard.
You both pay a subscription, you’re both players, I hate to break to you but you are peers.

I’m not moving anything, you’re just wrong. A peer is defined by the dictionary as “A person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person.” Since age isn’t something in WoW, we just have the other two. Do I have the same status or ability as Jay? No. So I am not his peer.

My example was far better than yours, you simply used a dishonest argument to win an disagreement you know your on the wrong side in.

Which means ANY player is your peer.

They can get an advantage over some of their peers, such as people like me, by paying money for gold and using that gold to buy a bunch of gear.

Advantage over your peers doesn’t need to mean over every last one of them otherwise it’s not P2W.

Otherwise by that logic they could sell Mythic raid gear in the cash shop directly and it’s “Not P2W”.

You’re both players of WoW. You both have a lvl 60 toon.
Skill is an inherent part of the game that plays a role in determining if a game is or is not P2W.

You keep “loling” and “lmaoing” friend but the only thing funny here is how weak your argumentative skills are. (Recall that you cited Urban dictionary in support of your argument at one point. ROFL!)
Now, please be so kind as to explain what you think the logical connection is between any of the words of you just said. A game being pay to win simply means I can pay money to obtain an advantage over other players. You seem somehow unable to grasp that all that is needed for a game to be (to some extent) pay to win is that other things being held equal-- experience, skill, effort, talent, etc – players who spend money are in at least some cases able to obtain advantages over others who don’t by spending money to make themselves stronger. It simply does not follow that this advantage I pay for must be so large that any old scrub can beat the best professional player simply by paying money. You’d have to be pretty dumb to think that somehow follows from what was said.


Okay, so now YOU’RE ignoring the definition of peer to continue being dishonest? Gotcha.

It’s easier than ever to get gold in this game. Stop making excuses my guy.

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What? In the context of P2W it means the totality of your peers. You pay to win, and win entails you’re first. Which means ahead of everyone else including the best players.

Who am I talking to?

Wasn’t the point

I’m not sure exactly what you are winning here, but no I don’t think so.

ITT a bunch of bad players calling the game pay to win because they lack success at the game.