Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

No one is stopping you, just expressing their opinion just like you.

Hey, thanks for yours! It’s not like what you said wasn’t said at least 100 times in this thread already, but now that YOU said so, it feels complete.

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This debate is stupid. You should all be arguing if being able to pay real money to acquire gold is good for the game or not. Who cares if you don’t consider that pay to win? It doesn’t matter. “Is it good for the game or not,” that should be the real focus.

And the answer is no, being able to get currency with real money will always incentivize the game makers to make the currency harder to get via gameplay.

I disagree.
Considering the alternative was to let “gold farm” run rampant, yes it was a good move.
And the classic experience showed how they will immediately return given to occasion, so for me the matter is closed.

They made it RMT when you could sell WoW tokens in the ****ing auction house.

Also literally showing you the current Auction Value on the shop screen for them as if to entice you to do it when you see they’re worth 200k.

You know you’ve lost the argument when you’re reduced to citing urban dictionary in support of your nonsensical, historically ignorant definition. Read some academic research on the topic; maybe you’ll learn something- namely that “Pay to win” as a term long predates mobile games of the type you are so hung up on as solely constituting pay to win. The term, in the broadest sense, simply applies to any game where competiitve advantages can be purchased with real money-- i.e any game where you can use real money to (legitimately, at least) make your character stronger and have advantages over others who do not spend money. I cited Wikipedia, a website that uses sources and academic research; you cited Urban Dictionary, a place for shi*tposting. Q.E.D.

There is no reasonable argument that you cannot buy advantages over others in WoW. You can buy Mythic BoE gear during the first weeks of the season via spending real money on WoW tokens and using that money at the auction house. This Mythic level gear cam be used to speed up raid progress, as well as mythic dungeon and PvP pushing. This is a clear and absolutely unambiguous case of purchasing competitive advantages with money. Hence there is no possible argument that WoW is not, at least to some extent, pay to win. All I’ve heard from you are logical fallacies, red herrings, and semantic quibbles that reveal the extent of your historical ignorance and over-literal mindedness. Not once have you even attempted to address the simple, unassailable point that WoW allows you to purchase game currency for dollars and buy mythic level gear at the auction house with that currency.

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I forsee a future where Blizzard will boil the frog until getting enough gold to do anything will be impossible, forcing everyone to buy gold for the end game. Why wouldn’t they do this? Look at the profits in diablo immortal. Keeping the token will allow them to edge slowly closer to that dream.

I would much rather bots exist than that.

Ahh because Wikipedia is damn better XD
Point went over your head… :rofl:


Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

I like how you are pretending only scrubs buy gold. Top players buy gold all the time, that’s part of how they stay on top. Raid guilds pay out millions of gold for BOEs.

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Except your entire argument gets pooped on and thrown out the window when “the currency” we are talking about is gold and it rains gold these days

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Tokens don’t create gold out of thin air. They move it from player to player. Someone else was able to farm that gold, and they decided it was worth the $15 blizzard bux.

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gold is an item that gives gear that does not reflect the players skill which in turn creates an imbalance against those who may be more skilled and don’t pay.

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It won’t for long. They have already handycapped the mat market, one of the most popular ways to make gold.

Not the point lol
Let me rephrase, if you spend more $ than him can you beat him?
Because it should the norm in a P2W game and by the definition he gave, you should be.
Now can you?

No, obviously not. But if you had two players of equal skill, would someone buying BOEs give them the advantage? Obviously.

I’m a scrub, you can’t base an argument off of a worse case scenario and pretend like the other ones don’t exist.

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I mean it is pay to win no matter where the gold comes from or who it’s going to. Someone is paying to bypass traditional methods. To me at least, that’s pay to win.

It’s not a bad thing though, sometimes getting a carry simply speeds up the process of getting to the content you want to participate in.

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And yet plenty of people make gold hand over fist and never touch mats. Keep digging.

I can’t dig, they nerfed digging! I made all my money digging!

Very poor choice of words.

But regardless, you miss the point. It isn’t that it’s impossible to make money now. My point is that it will eventually get there. Nerfing mats isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.

WoW is P2W, let me tell you why. Crafting, they made Shadowlands legendaries locked behind cradting professions. You not only had to have a profession you also had to grind rep to get the ability to create these mats you needed for legendaries but you also had to farm the mats which cranked the price for the base legendary crafting item sky high. 65K -150K per legendary. Legendaries were required for raiding and M+, endgame content.

It’s not a thing you pay for with real money, but it’s something you pay for in time played.

The question is first of all dumb, and second of all, wholly irrelevant. The relevant question isn’t whether I can beat a professional player by spending more money than he does; the question is merely whether I can gain a competitive advantage by doing so.

It should be obvious that if you take two players of equal skill, even very high skill, and one spends millions of gold funded by WoW tokens in the first week of the season to buy Mythic BoE gear and the other has to wait for Mythic gear to drop, the first player obtains a competitive advantage over the second in all of WoW’s competitive gameplay modes, whether mythic raiding /Hall of Fame, mythic plus key pushing, or ranked PvP.

The extent to which you can “pay to win” in WoW may be far less than in many other games, but you people have your heads so deeply buried in the sand that you can’t even admit the game has any “p2w” in it when you can buy currency for dollars, and then immediately spend that currency directly on mythic gear at the auction house in the first week of the season.

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This is so true, leveling professions was insanely expensive this game. If you gimp ways to make gold, people will buy tokens to make this kind of thing easier.

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