Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Not having to pay people to play with you.


But they bought it with a token, therefore they are winning. P2W.

No, not really. Maybe in the eyes of players in LFR, I guess.


No. Buying is not earning, therefore not winning.

Also, the game limits how many tokens you can buy per week.

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and with sites like, it can be easy to tell who bought such, red flags tend to be like just the kills on the difficulty, and only 1 of them, and not what looks like progress through the raid for weeks.


Please read more carefully before replying; the question I asked you was how is being able to spend real dollars on mythic BoE gear from the auction house not a competitive advantage or making my character stronger by spending real dollars. I specifically asked you this to prevent you from weaseling your way out with more unreasoned, unargued BS. (Nor is your point here even remotely valid; even if I granted you that someone who purchases a carry with EARNED in-game currency is not “paying to win” because they earned the currency to purchase character power with their in game efforts, this clearly in no way implies that someone who buys millions of gold with hundreds of dollars to pay for the carry did not “pay to win,” as they simply bought the game currency with cash, rather than earned it. )

You just outed where these players play that think buying runs is p2wi


That is just enough for some people.
Token = P2W

all games are pay to win these days!

Hey I resemble that remark. :laughing:

Because anyone can go buy that same BOE without using a single token.

I have over 600k in my guild bank and I’m considered poor.

Just because you’re bad at the game doesn’t mean everyone else is and can’t purchase said items without a token.


I guess necroing a stupid debate is better than starting a new thread about it… but not by much…


Farming post count like it’s a currency in an mmo. :pick:


If we’re to believe the ever changing definition.
The shed I paid to put in my backyard is P2W because I l paid cash for it.

Obligatory definition of P2W

Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.


Citation needed. You’ve simply made up this definition. This is not the accepted meaning of the term. You can’t just define terms as you please and argue on that basis.

Your definition is also incredibly, indescribably stupid. If you adopted such an asinine definition, then the most egregious pay to win, pay walled game could simply add in any mechanism to obtain their cash shop items outside of the shop, however slow, and would magically no longer be pay to win, even if you could spend millions of dollars on day 1 to max out your character.

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Pay to win = gear a tier higher than anything available in game can be bought through the store. Pay to win = a power boost to primary stat for two hours that you can only get through the store. Lol just because you don’t understand what pay to win means, doesn’t mean you can just change the meaning of it.


You aren’t gaining an advantage buying that stuff over the people already decked out in full gear.

On top of that anyone can buy it and it doesn’t require real money.

End of the day you’re just some salty bad player that’s choosing to troll over this because you’re mad you’re bad.


So wrong lol. They were 100 percent correct lol. You could buy boosts before the wow token existed. You could buy carries and buy ah gear before the token existed.


No see you also are missing the point here. They could add them but make them obtainable only after 4 months. And if you bought it off the store you get it day 1. That is by definition pay to win. Not the comeback you thought you were pulling off lol.

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This guy asked you a question. What’s your answer?

Can you beat this guy if you put enough money in the game?