Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Oh, it’s just some flex player in ruins about not having gold.

and even if you got the gear, unless you had the skill to back it up in areas that counted, I.E. content that drops that level gear, you are more likely to appear as the one that shows up at a fancy ball wearing costume jewelry


That’s just it, though, they wouldn’t even get an invite.


Because anyone can buy a boost without using real money. I know multiple people that are gold capped.


Had a tank on Sire in 9.0 that bought his gear. After the second pull we could tell he didn’t know the fight because he wouldn’t even drag the boss through the mirrors in phase 2.

Dude was made fun of and then kicked from the raid group.

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Yeah, buyers either end up playing with each other or having to go buy more runs. Sometimes they slip into an actual group that’s too lazy to check, but are usually removed shortly after (or during) the first pull.

It’s great because they’ll buy a run, try to strike out on their own, brick their key or whatever, come back and complain about how groups are troll and the cycle just kind of repeats.

Exactly. Gear without skill is meaning less.


Again, I boiled this down to the clearest, most unambiguous possible case. If I spend money on Wow Tokens, I can go to the Auction House and purchase multiple Mythic-level BoE pieces of gear in slots that I may be missing or that I might not obtain for months due to RNG. This gear was purchased for real dollars and makes my character stronger. The increased strength constitutes an advantage in ALL of WoW’s competitive gameplay formats, including Mythic Raiding, Mythic Plus dungeons, and ranked PvP. Hence, as I pointed out but you ignored, I do not even need to bring up boosts to show that WoW is indisputably P2W (though it is clearly not nearly as bad in this respect as most other P2W games). Please explain how being able to take real world cash money and exchange them for Mythic level, max Item level gear, does not constitute a competitive advantage for those who make such expenditures. I would love to hear.

Gear is simply a multiplier of skill. If the skill is 0, no amount of gear will make them be relevant.


Thank you for proving you’re just a troll.

Already explained this. Anyone can buy that gear with or without real money used.


I’m gonna repeat
Tell me, what advantages you can get over this guy, by throwing your wallet at the game.
I’m waiting…

And for good measure I’m gonna put this definition each time.

Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.


WoW Token → Buy runs.

It’s simple really. Denial is rough, I’ve been there.

My last guild on alliance was like this. They got aotc on SoTFO like the last month. During season 4 they recruited me saying that they were pushing CE in dragon flight.

Get to painsmith first week and it’s a literal wipefest.

Not only are they struggling to do mechanics their strats are flat out terrible.

I had to get out of there quick.

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So your definition of winning is simply having gear.


Notice it’s always a throwaway burner alt.

Never an actual raider, keystone pusher or pvper.

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You can buy runs without a token.

Then why are you struggling to understand it? Pay to win requires the item purchased to be exclusive to the cash shop.

Even boosts aren’t exclusive nor provided by blizzard.

You’re still there.


Yep and the titles, and other achievement awards. What is your definition of winning?

You don’t need to buy Tokens to buy runs. :woman_facepalming:


WoW tokens->buy runs->get slammed when you try to run with the gear you got from the bough run because you meds yourself a gussied up farm animal


Earning the achievements. Buying CE is not earning CE.