Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

That he paid another player to get.

You’re still leaving that part out.


There is? You hit buy token and go into lfg. Hit apply, trade, bis gear


This is a good point, and I’d say an overall solid stance. Gachas are generally p2w due to the systems involved. Your chances of winning increase significantly with $$. If anything, the only way you can win is with $$. Free-accounts have a tiny percent chance to win.

He paid Blizzard to get the gold.

He simply transferred that transaction to another player. Sort of acting like the middle-man.


So if I buy I token I just magically get gear?

I’ve bought tokens before. That has literally NEVER happened.

Yes it does?


And if you’re using a middle man, then the game itself IS NOT pay2win.

That’s STILL just like handing someone your keyboard and offering them money to play for you.

From my perspective, you could ask 10 people what constitutes pay to win and receive 10 different answers. The phrase is so subjective, there is no straight answer. Personally, I feel it absolutely has pay to win mechanics and is most certainly pay for convenience.

However, there isn’t really anything you can pay to win that cannot be obtained through normal in-game means.

The overarching fear, again from my perspective, is the ever decreasing player base will result in more of these conveniences added to the shop, perhaps to the detriment of the game itself.

Yes If u go into lfg, hit apply, trade and get boosted


Most blatant P2W games out there make you buy their currency to buy their stuff because people are awful at associating real world costs when you make spend the fake currency. And it also allows them to sell in irregular bundles where if you need 500 of the currency they sell a 400 of it or 1000.

And by this extension of logic a lot of P2W games out there aren’t P2W then because you have to buy their currency and then spend it so gear also doesn’t magically appear after first purchase.

So of you do some amazing mental gymnastics to turn away the notion that you can spend cash on gold which can be turned into progression. The end result is simply that you can turn cash into progression and that is what the core functionality of what P2W mechanics are.

You can argue whether that’s good or bad or an issue, but it’s not disputable that you can turn cash into progression.


Which is paying another player to play for you.

So, by your definition EVERY game is pay2win, because you can pay ANYONE to play ANY game for you.


No. You’re describing RMT, which isn’t supported by blizzard, or 99% of games for that matter.
The problem is when u can buy the currency with real money to pay boosting organisations to get u the best gear
Which is effectively RMT, which is p2w and bad


This isn’t my definition of pay2win because there’s too many steps to your end goal.

Buying a token doesn’t mean you’re going to use it on mythic and/or pvp boost. I’ve bought tokens in the past to let a character on a brad new server buy some bags and flying.

Also, I would think there is a bit of luck involved in paying people to boost you. What if what you need for your BIS doesn’t drop for anyone in the group? Plus people that don’t spend a dime on tokens can do the same thing as someone that does.

I dunno, to me pay2win means you can’t get into the best raid without buying DLC or the best gear can only be bought from the cash shop.

In this season there was dom sockets and sets along with very strong trinkets and secondary stats. There are all of these things going into gear not just main stat. Also shadowlands is probably one of the most balanced expansions that we have had in many many years.

Also how can people not simply play better this game is very easy to understand wiry a bit of practice. People can just do some m+ 2s figure out the game and progress.

OMG! That’s totally P2W, because other players had to grind for the gold to buy bags and flying!


No, I’m describing the exact scenario you described.

Just because the game gives you a way to buy currency doesn’t change that fact.

You’re still paying another player to play for you which you can do in any game.

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Nope. Incorrect. Nice try though. Might want to learn what actual P2W is.

This requires people carrying you which means they have to put in the time and effort. Also, last I checked, you aren’t guaranteed anything. You can pay to be carried but loot is still rng and you could get 0 drops. And your Vault reward might be something that is worse than you have.

Still need someone to do all the work for you which requires their time and effort.

WOW. Oh noes, you can buy a boost to get to 60. How exactly is that p2w? You don’t magically get BiS gear with these boosts.

Let me clue you in on what actual P2W is. Buying BiS items or better than the BiS items in-game from a cash shop where you click “Buy Now” and BAM it is in your inventory. There is NOT one item you can buy in the WoW cash shop that is BiS Mythic nor better than BiS Mythic. Also, it requires people to actually play the game. P2W is buying items online like D2, PoE, etc. where you can buy Forum Gold and buy any item you want in D2(R) for real money.

Going off your logic then ALL mmos are P2W. Please make sure to make your post on FFXIV because that is P2W also since people pay for carries.


Which means you’re paying them to win for you, hence pay to win. Which is why rmt is banned?
Can u stop coping and accept a random can spend 200$ and have the best gear in the game and 1 shot most other players


Except they still are, because they have a button right in the game that says “pay x dollars and get X gear/character which is X better than anything else in the game”.

THAT is pay2win. That is the literal definition of pay2win, and WoW doesn’t have that ANYWHERE.

Actually it changes everything. Whether or not the game gives you the tools to spend money on it or you have to cheat is integral to whether a game is P2W or not.