Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

For me, this game (and all games) is for entertainment. You are either enjoying yourself or not. There is no “win”.

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Unless it’s PVP, I honestly don’t see why people bring this thing up. Other people buying BoE’s doesn’t affect you unless it’s like I said, in PVP I think [I don’t pvp just thinking that out logically power wise].

“Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?”

(Looks at this thread)



(Comes back some time later to see how the thread is doing…)

“Well, saw that coming.”

(Proceeds to walk out the thread and will check on it again, maybe, probably not.)


All of those examples are not necessarily Pay to Win either, as much as they are pay for convenience. You could argue that daily lockouts on transmutes being removed gets you the end-goal faster, but doesn’t give you the mats to acquire them.
Weekly lockout removal doesn’t guarantee the gear drop.
More columns in the Great Vault doesn’t guarantee the best gear either
Resetting all world/daily quests doesn’t guarantee that the rewards will be the same.

Free level 60 is definitely pay to win. You pay money and get max level.

If your examples are pay to win, then they are just as legitimate as the reasons I’ve stated, because again, you can buy gold with money, and use that gold to get the best prestige rewards in the entire game, and in most cases that does involve obtaining the absolute best gear.


It can be bought, but do you know that the game also just gives it to you? It’s true! Kill a mob, complete a quest and it’s like payday up in here.

For a game to be considered ‘pay-to-win’, it kinda has to be unwinnable unless you pay.


Because gladiator is this easy bahahahaha you’re coping so hard.


How is buying carry the only way for a “massive” amount of the player base. Just play the game and you will advance if you actually care to get good at the game.

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A) Having the best gear doesn’t equate to ‘winning’.
B) Not if the gear was also available without having to pay for it.


The real question is,
Can I buy a huge advantage over other players with real money?
Yes, you can
WoW is pay to win


False. A game doesn’t have to be unwinnable for it to be pay to win. An example is getting Shadowmourne for real money on Warmane. People argue it’s pay to win, but you can simply do the legendary grind and acquire it that way. Pay to win entails that you can achieve the entire end game by paying money, which is something WoW allows you to do.

Sure it’s not as blatant as locking absolute best in slot behind a paywall, but how far do we have to go down this rabbit hole before Blizzard starts selling easier ways to acquire achievements, removing raid lockouts, and so on before every aspect of the game is monetized?


But having the best gear in the game makes it really easy to “win” at 99% of the content lmao?
Now u can go smash in bgs, dungeons, lower raids, hell even rated pvp until high 2k which is like 4% of the entire ladder


Are you making the assertion that the only way to pay you for a boost is to buy a token? That one couldn’t just farm the gold in-game?


Literally nothing that provides an advantage in this game is locked behind a paywall.


No? When did I say that And how is this relevant?

If you consider buying a boost to be winning, then sure.

I don’t. Someone with a purchased AOTC is not the same kind of player as someone who worked for it.

Ultimately, nothing player power related can be outright purchased that cannot be obtained by regular effort.

If I WANT KSM, I can do the work to get there. P2W games often have either items that CANNOT be obtained by regular game play OR they have massive timegates like Warframe, where you have to wait 90 days for a powerful weapon to finish crafting – or – or pay 10 bucks and get it right away. WoW isn’t quite that.

But again if you think buying a boost and getting max ilvl is winning, then sure? But anyone can do that WITHOUT paying as well.

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Level 60 boost, gold cap, unobtainable mounts, unobtainable battle pets, unobtainable transmog.

It is because it is, in practice. Your ideal of git gud and you can progress doesn’t work for most people. That’s why WoW is bleeding so badly. For me the problem is the opposite, the reward of getting gud is just having more main stat than other people, and that is nonsense to me and a lot of high end players. WoW is bleeding from both ends and it is basically bad for everyone, even those who like just having more main stat. It makes balance impossible, it creates a hard stop to the end game. It causes populations to be artificially low for no benefit except creating massive grey markets. ilvl grind isn’t an end game, it is a money scam disguised as end game.

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The REAL question is, is it supported by the company that produces the game, and is there a button you can press to make this happen?


WoW is NOT pay2win.

It’s more “payotherplayerstoplaythegame4metowin”.

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You’re right, it’s locked behind hours and hours and hours and hours of grinding honor and conq and pushing for upgrades, and Billy spends 100$ and gets it instantly


And Billy’s $100 doesn’t guarantee him a ‘win’.