Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

There are in-game items that could very well have been store-only items. For example, those little thingies to get all conduits to ilvl200 or renown 40, those most certainly could have been Cash Store exclusive items.

But fortunately, they are not.

You are spot on about consumables driving the need for boosts. Garrisons we’re a little too much, although a great cheap time to be a raider.

But the crafting aspect was destroyed back in Legion with consumables requiring lots of farming.

MoP or WoLTK had the consumable end of the economy correct. But we might need a WoD/Garrison style one to set things back in order.

I wish Belular would do a damn video on crafting changes and farm requirements for the player base to get the issue.


From the last couple of posts are pretty spot on. If you want to kill boosting reform the crafting system.

Consumable crafting right now is at its worst that it has ever been in the game.

Just ONE feast requires 45 fish caught.
One pre-pot requires 6 herbs from two different zones separated by huge flypoints
Flasks are just as obnoxious.
Training rank 4 armor slots is a 200k gold investment, and crafters need to make that sunk gold back.

Crafting needs to be reformed. There is a reason high end raid guilds need hundreds of millions of gold to kick of patch cycles. They are gonna get that back one way…. Farming herbs… JK

Reform crafting to kill boosting, lower the barrier to group activities.


Example, just got my two piece Tier set bonus.
Sadly it is the same spot as my Legendary.
My Guild needs someone Geared to help push Raid progression this week.
Not enough Gold to purchase a new Lego, another raider buys a Token and gets the spot with a new Legendary+. I get replaced that week, they win.

The Token sale provided that, with money.

Yes. It’s P2W.

Buy the token.
Buy a carry.
Enjoy the loot.

How hard is this to understand?


I don’t understand.

Oh indeed I agree that the ability to buy a token and exchange it for gold gives some players much more options.

If they decide to buy a legendary then cool, if they decide to buy that super rare battle pet on the auction house then fine, if they decide to buy a butt-ton of high-level food well whatever.

I’d be more inclined to say it was pay-to-win if they could buy the legendaries straight from the store.

What don’t you understand about buying tokens and then buying carrys for loot is P2W? Hell. You can buy BoEs with the gold from the token.

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Buying gold with cash to buy a Legendary is pretty much the same thing, behind the curtain.
Is it not?

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Carries existed before WoW tokens. How is this hard to understand?

Now it has become mainstream, accepted.
Officially Promoted.


Yes. But you can swipe a CC now to get said carry.

In the old days, you had to farm gold. Now you can just buy the gold.

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so has gold? whats your point

GDKP runs were never not accepted.

You should learn the difference between pay to win and pay for convenience. It’s woefully obvious you just don’t get it.

In short, now the house reaps in the profits that were filtered through third party groups.

I can’t believe people don’t understand how you can literally (and officially) buy gold which in turns buys gear.

That is literally P2W lol

Good grief /rip


“but you can grind the gold” is the 4th cringiest defense ever.

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But but! It is a Token! It is not cash!

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I have literally millions in gold and never once bought a token. The cringe is people who still manage to be broke in this game.