Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

we are in shadowlands and we’re discussing the currency to currency which allows boosters it’s funny

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The funny part is that according to most posters, they can spot a carry sue with ease.

The fun part is the utter lack of skill while bearing geared to the nines will likely tip anyone unsure about the toon’s gear anyway.

gear is irrelevant tbh for me

You can do a +15 dungeon and have a Mythic Raid piece , doing a +15 is like doing a leveling dungeon for a good part of the playerbase

OP is super wrong.

  1. You have really broken point of view if you believe that paying someone to play for you is a WIN. It’s very different when the game sells you power directly. VERY DIFFERENT!
  2. If you believe if the above statement is still a win, then I have bad news for you: EVERYTHING is pay to win. Because anyone can charge to play for you with real money in ANY game.
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It depends on your definition of P2W. Its rather like the old saying, its what I say when I point at it.

My take has always been that P2W in its purest form is only if you can get an item of gear from a shop in the game using money or other currency that isn’t obtainable in the game, and is more powerful than anything in the game at that time. And since obtaining gear is what an MMO is all about, getting the very best gear is seen as winning. Hence, paying to win.

Otherwise its just pay for advantage. But as I say, thats just my view.

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What it gets you is relationships/friendships with good skilled people. And yes there is renown and clout to getting things. You can get access to high end rewards by being on a team.

Relationships should not be transactional.

I agree with that.

but if relationships/friendships were the only rewards in mmos, you know that not many people would be playing them…

as sad it is, i think you know what im getting at and why boosters get more clients than you and me make friends


As I posted earlier, the limit is easily overridden with having more un merged accounts on the go.
The house always wins, but tens of Millions Gold per week is very much accessible.
Pay more, get more.

Maybe if the content were of high enough quality for players to never intend to choose to boost, or carry, or even buy the shop’s level boost, we wouldn’t NEED the WoW token?

I can dream.

Actually, if Blizzard would make gold worthless there would be no need for tokens.

There are many other things that people need gold for besides boosting.

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that wouldn’t be possible because boosters would have to be convinced gold is worthless

and you said it “many other things that people need gold for”

it’s why boosters boost, they spam for raiding supplies and their own needs

It’s possible. They just cheapen every thing.

In SWTOR the credits aren’t worthless but it’s pretty close to be worthless. You can buy billions of credits from unsavory people for very little money.

yes but see the effect of having gold, the AH prices go up so it adjusts according to how much you have, people will charge more for important things like a flask and food

The counter to that is make flask and food unneeded. I’m just saying the way to combat boosters, the tokens, the gold farmers is to make what they want worthless.

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your solution could work if they added garrisons, giving everyone everything

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That’s a good example. When garrisons were up and running, I bought all the TCG mounts for pennies compared to now. I got both Spectral Tigers for 400k each and now they’re worth like 20 million or something crazy like that.


yes it seems to be the only way to crash any price and make gold really worthless

The biggest issue is, those free to play and pay win games have a very specific model. You pay the directly for what you want. Those transactions are supported and even encouraged by the company.

You pay them, you get what you pay for.

Blizzard does not have that model.

I cannot pay Blizzard to acquire a specific weapon. I cannot even pay a booster to get a specific weapon as drops are not guaranteed.

And that’s why it’s not pay to win.

Now if blizzard had a way for me to buy exactly what I wanted: weapons, achievements or what not. Nor is paying someone pay to win because I can give them my gold/items/account information and there’s no guarantee that I’ll get what I’m paying for. I could be scammed.

Paying in game currency for in game services is well within the parameters of the game and does not touch on pay to win. Otherwise any in game transaction would be considered pay to win.

Even trades. BoE for BoE, passing down upgrades or sidegrades, playing the auction house, tipping someone for opening a lock box, giving your guildy your flowers so they can make flasks/potions for your raid team (even if you’re just about to complete world first), would all be considered pay to win, and that’s not the case.

That’s why WoW isn’t pay to win.

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No we can’t ignore them, they are part of the game. If you can’t boost your way to the top with money than the game is not P2W.

In a P2W game, I could be at the top of ALL those rankings and competition just by spending money on the game, if you tell me I can’t than we’re not facing a P2W game.

That’s the position you didn’t realize you had to defend and that everyone else understands and makes them argue with you.

And somewhere inside you must realize that yourself because you’re trying to shamelessly ignore/invalidate the sole competitive content in the game which also happens to be inconvenient to the definition of P2W you’re arguing for.

What are you going on about?
I was just politely acknowledging your need for feeling like you accomplished something while pointing out achievements were not objectively something that could be won.
The achievements are not a competition, there is nothing to “win” in achievements and they are therefor irrelevant to the discussion.

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