Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

so the only reward is by off chance people will remember you in game?

What about usable things like mounts or gear or transmog

I know titles you can get by being hall of fame

Sitting in the main city on your new Keystone/Gladiator mount seems to work for the majority. Business has been great this past year, as the last quarterly has shown us.

So esports are off the table, world first guilds are off the table, so what is the definition of winning again?

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Being the envy of the masses?

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esports were never on the table, the people who brought them were hilarious because boosting is not allowed in any competition.

WoW is two-step pay to win.

First, spend RL cash to buy a token.

Then put the token on the AH for gold.

Once bought for gold, spend it in game for anything and everything, thus cheapening and tarnishing the fun that the game supposedly has in the process!

I personally think that the WoW token two-step P2W is pathetic, and Blizzard has turned it into a profit margin and profile.


But isn’t that the definition of winning this game? Doing the highest keys, being in the top 100 guilds, being gladiator, etc. so is someone really winning getting AOTC or a piece of gear?

Anyways, it doesn’t matter. I just thought it was an interesting point.

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P2W even at two steps does not buy skill.

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Don’t even get that with some.

I don’t bow down in awe as a players goes I am 2100. Okay…even if not a carry that tells me you know how to hug a column really good. If in an arena…cool. I suck at arena, those good at it that is cool.

This here is IOC. and so far that 2100 skill has not been great at killing, or defending, the glaives lol. So…get your 2100 butt working the glaives better, please.

i did not disagree about what you said, only competitions

it does not belong in this discussion because carrying and boosting is not allowed in blizzard wow competitions

To answer OP’s original question, yes, there is debate. Over 700 posts of debate. yw


It’s RL profit.

Nothing more.

Apparently Blizzard gets at least $5 for each token bought.

I’m pretty sure anyone smart that has a reasonable guess as to how much that can rack up to due to poorly designed content and game abusing carries of players that will not develop the needed skills to be allowed into non-carry raids is huge.

The problem is that due to Blizzard’s allowance of the WoW token for in-game gold people will use it as they intend, not as Blizzard thought it should be used.

people here don’t seem to agree that blizzard selling them gold is a way of pay to win because boosters want gold

No, it’s not about them wanting gold, it’s about the boosters doing all the work, not Blizzard.


Which still does not change the fact that it is pay to win, just with two steps instead of one.

Here are some Phil Spencer quotes, take these with a grain of salt.

Maybe it’s not the end of the world if there are microtransactions in a single-player game, just as long as it’s easy enough to progress in the game without paying extra. Microstansactions in multiplayer games can tip game balance, if you can buy things that make one player more capable than another.”

It’s easy to say something like, ‘I’ll never allow somebody to buy the win of the game, I won’t let them buy victory,’ but that’s kind of a trite answer. I’d say, ‘Yeah, I guess I have that line, that [we wouldn’t have] “Pay five bucks and get 1000 achievements” or something stupid like that.’ I’m always pushing against that. But, in reality, that’s not what the gamers are looking for. They’re usually looking for customization and their gameplay style opening up.”

it is about boosters wanting gold that makes the token an easy pay to win option

blizzard gets money and others do the required work lol

yes but no one agrees

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“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.”

  • Booker T. Washington.
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this is sort of false. i can assure you, there is a monthly limit.

and no, the game isn’t p2w BECAUSE p2w as defined by winning =/= the the p2w as defined by progression.

can you get an advantage?
sure. but that advantage only gets you 20% of the way there.

you will still loose every time unless you get good. and you cant buy skill but you can certainly pay someone gold to teach you

i have heard a number of stories of people buying their way into a raid slot or what have you. that doesn’t get them wins.

skilled players who are geared, can carry the slack of dead weight. but that doesn’t account for everyone. and it doesnt exist for those players in the same way. because in order to do that, it requires someone in the game doing it. 1v2 2v3 or 9v10 for pvp
and 9v10 a carry team will struggle.

now, other games that ARE p2w have structures in place that make it impossible to realistically win without paying.

winning in the game, is subjective to the content and doable without paying for it.

but i’ll give you a few exceptions, because wow has a few out of control markets.

Legos are very important. and you do need a ton of gold to get those. there isn’t a good way around that short of becoming a crafter yourself. and that also costs a ton of gold to set up. the wow token does overly incentivize that route where in past expansions even with a token, you would still consider farming old raids etc for the gold short of things like the long boi

Mage tower itself isn’t p2w but considering it takes at least 100-200 pulls while knowing the class and 200+ if you have to learn the class at the same time. over priced consumables to brute force kill times to have shorter phases is relatively p2w if you dont already have all the old items sitting on a bank alt.

boe transmog (especially unobtainable sources). BMAH. limited time items. to get those, it can be more p2w given the in game requirements is directly spending lots of gold on it, with no other way around it.

but the game’s content isn’t directly p2w because the game doesn’t require you to win in order to complete all the content.

you may WANT the things but you dont NEED the things to complete the game.

As such, WoW IS NOT Pay 2 Win However, it does contain rewards and Achievements that can be P2W.

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