Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

No, we are arguing pay2win and whether or not WoW is that, and whether Blizzard has set that up.

They haven’t. There is no button where you can just whip out your card, buy some gear and beat stuff. Buying gold is NOT THAT. Players have set up services to “help” other players for sums of gold, and they can’t even guarantee a 100% success rate. pay2win is a 100% SUCCESS RATE because you paid for it.

Buying gold and giving it to another player to have them do something to help you get more power isn’t pay2win, it’s just you being lazy.

My response that you quoted is because the person I was talking to insisted that ALL boosting was pay2win and that ALL gold was “bought gold”, and only later backtracked and said otherwise.

Exactly this.


Bad news for you, even with that amount of gold you will…

Never Get a spot on a world first raid roster
Never get a spot on a high key pushing team
Never get a spot on top end pvp team

Those spots are earned by merit/skill

All you get is mid tier achievement Carries.


There’s a flaw in this, you’re assuming they would have gained satisfaction from the activity in the first place.

If the activity is something they dislike but it has a reward they want then the satisfaction is not doing the content and getting the reward :man_shrugging:

Maybe there would be less boosting if it were possible to get all rewards from different content :thinking: Would people buy boosts for the M Sylvanas mount if the M Sylvanas mount also dropped in Torghast and Arenas? :thinking: :thinking:

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probably the most interesting post ive read in this thread

So you take two months to fully gear when I take two days through boosting. If that ain’t pay to win idk what is.


But I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.

How much does that cost?

Who wants to tell him?

I think Ouchieitburn sums it up pretty well:

So yeah I know you laughed at this question but I think it’s relevant: what is winning? If you can’t get any of this with your gold, are you really winning anything?

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what are your rewards for playing on world first roster, high key pushing team, top end pvp team?

lets see what you answer because without rewards, mmos are nothing

thats why WOW is not really P2W .

You have a limit , where you can’t get carried at 1 point but people don’t understand

it will be different for everybody , some people think having KSM make you beat the game but they are just 1 guy on 300k ( idk what is the real number )

the real end game is the i.o , achievement point/mounts + PVP imo

In my opinion , a P2W game is when you can be the best in the game because you invested 30K in the game store and you don’t need to share or buy account because you outpower every others players anyway


You’re writing something off as not P2W because the buyer possesses the ability to zone into a raid and lay down on the floor and that seems to be a really low bar. It just seems to be a mental gymnastic move to not admit that what is transpiring is being done essentially boils down to what blatant P2W games allow because there’s extra steps involved beyond spend money, get loot.

I think the other part you’re missing is that in a world where the token doesn’t exist the person who buys has to play the game to some capacity to amass the gold for the carry, he is interacting with the game either by creating raw gold farms or trading goods/services. So when you say “He was technically involved and is therefore entitled to the rewards for participating” I say not really if the reason why he’s there is because he swiped his card.

Think about it this way; I could make a new WoW account today, buy a 60 boost, buy a ton of gold, and immediately start buying M+, raid, and/or PvP boosts. In your opinion does that seem like I’m really all that entitled to the rewards? More importantly do you think it’s good for the game to allow people to translate real world wealth into success in their games? Especially one like an MMO where we interact with one another?

This is why I don’t get bogged down in the details of what is or isn’t because technically XYZ. I just don’t think it’s good for games to allow real world wealth to translate into video game progression. Call it what you will, but I call it bad for the playerbase.

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Yup. Doesn’t matter how many steps are involved and how many different people you have to go through. As long as it gets done it’s pay to win

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Buy with what? Gold? You know how easy it is to farm gold in WoW atm? Incredibly easy. You assume people buying boosts are just paying real world money. Even if you stopped all the gold sellers and removed tokens people would still be buying boosts with gold. You’ll never stop it but it doesn’t make the game pay to win.

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Got it. So I can pay anyone for any service and it’s P2W.

My laundry just became P2W because I took it to the cleaners.

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I would think laundry P2W is having someone fold it and put it away :laughing: :heart:

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I’d actually pay for that “boost”.

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Damn thanks, wasn’t asking for a full on admission that the game isn’t P2W but you sure did right there. Here you have it in your own words “competitions where boosting does not exist”. You know why they don’t exist? Because it’s impossible to do it. You can’t carry dead weight and win those competitions.

The concept of winning comes attached with some kind of competition or contest.
Since those Esport event/ratings are the only competition that you can objectively win and that you can’t boost your way to it, it means you can’t really P2W…

I understand that you feel a sense of accomplishment from getting all those achievements but as much as you want to believe it doesn’t fit the definition of “winning”.


Yea so there’s no point comparing competitions because they don’t allow boosts but you can get boosts in game

so let’s move on from competitions

ok so the ones who get boosted get the same achievements you get in a day or two, how do you say your sense of accomplishment is greater

world first roster is the most prestige thing in the game , people will remember your guild for 15 years + if you win

Yep. this is a pug problem. Since pugs go off stats only.

With stats…liars figure and figures lie lol. Math and numbers can be padded.

Those wanting a more ideal gaming experience need to guild it up. I could spend lots of money to fix up a char. Show up for my guild’s raid night. and…be kicked from raid not even 10 minutes into run.

Give me ilevel 300 gear that does not exist and I’d die like a muppet to basic mechanics in heroic even. I only know lfr. $500, $1000, hell $5000 not fixiing that. I am more pvp focused. I don’t really care to try and get better at dance dance revolution raid mechanics lol. LFR suits me fine…I stay there as a result.

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