Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

you cant because there are not many games which ask you to buy, pay sub and sell gold

does it matter if it’s the majority or minority when we are discussing why it’s easy to get tokens

Pay to Win…LOL, no.

Pay to Participate, yes.

But, I’m sure there are plenty that will make that mistaken leap.

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and i have a question , can the game be P2W , when buyers can’t beat sellers ?

you can invest 10 000$ in tokens , only if you share or buy account ( possible in every game ) , you will never be the best

you can answer that by asking why do people buy boosts if they don’t want to play the game

they buy boost because they don’t have time to invest in the game to get good .

lot of people in WOW are 30-40 years olds now , have families , jobs

you get good in MMOs when you play a lot

MMO skill cap is not that huge , you jsut need to invest time

now ask yourself do these people care about whether you and me rando players think they’re good if they have all the rewards we worked so hard to get

Pay to win? Hard to say.

Pay to endgame? Certainly.

Casually to grind at endgame its just one big boring chore, which is the likely reason the game is in the dumps. Nothing interesting is being done to make the grind less of a mindless grind at endgame.

I get the feeling that too much development was put into Torghost and less of it put into actually making the game outside of raiding engaging.

Don’t feed the troll… or in this case, the orc.

Kudos to you. You’re like 1v5 right now in this thread. I gave up because I’m not going to argue semantics with people about the definition of pay to win.

For me buying convenience is pay to win but some people don’t think so. If WoW made it where you had to spend 10$ a month to use a flying mount that is convenience but it would also put people that pay that 10$ at an advantage to those that didn’t. I don’t see how spending 20$ on a WoW token to get a carry through content that would require a lot of time and effort to complete is different than that.

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Couldn’t agree more. Reduce the amount of mats needed and lower vendor pricing.

Much like class design, everything was better with MoP design.

To be honest, I don’t really know because I don’t play Lost Ark. Nothing about it interests me. So I apologize if my info was wrong, but I also never said anything about paying for gear, only to unlock all the dungeons (which come in sets).

Regardless, my point is that I agree WoW is p2w, but not as bad as Lost Ark because non-p2w players in WoW benefit from p2w players, while no other player benefits from p2w players in Lost Ark.

good to see you had nothing to say once your arguments fell apart


honestly idgaf about others players and idc about them too , i just play for me

Pay a carry sound so boring , you have no satisfaction at all

that’s exactly people who get boosted think as well, most of them dont care if someone validates them they want to skip and dont put effort and get rewards

what is a mmo without rewards. hence the token giving gold being pay to win

What I think is if you’re paying a player than the booster is pay2win.

Blizzard’s stance is boosting is an unsupported transaction and they will not help you if you give gold to a bad booster and they log off. Blizzard also won’t give you the gear you’re after for $20, the person that’s boosting you is doing that.

So if Blizzard doesn’t support it, they don’t give you gear for your money, so how does that make them pay2win?

What you guys are basically saying is Wal Mart painted my house red because Joe went to Wal Mart, bought red paint, gave the red paint to Bob, then Bob painted my house red. But! Since Wal Mart sold the paint then it’s their fault. Logic.

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I come from the more rigid definition of p2w.

World of tanks start up long ago. I was a day 1 player there. Gold ammo, store only buy originally. At some point it was a reward for clan war events. Clan war events you kind of had to buy the ammo to win in the first place though.

High penetration, hit hard. Only buyable in the store. Good stuff. On a light tank? this picked off even medium tanks nice. Heavies? You’d shoot out treads one shot let you boys pick off the now very easy target. They use repair kit…treads again. Now they were truly stuck.

then there was 1 or 2 store only tanks. Chinese medium comes to mind. Moved like a light tank, profile of a medium tank, hit almost as hard as a heavy. It was a blast as yeah I had that one. Lots of clan people did. WoT’s guild were called clans. For clan games you brought the good stuff.

Even regular ammo it was imba. Gold ammo? It left nothing but smoking wrecks in its wake. Didn’t even have to be good at the game. Shot location, what’s that? Hit a gas tank to start fires or go for a turret and see what crew you could incapacitate if you knew you couldn’t one shot the tank? No need to worry about that.

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To be honest, one of blizzard’s head managers promoting boosting is not helping and probably what makes people think that it’s like that

Most games that are pay to win get worse over time. It starts out f2p friendly but greed makes that company want to suck more and more money out of whales at the cost of game quality. And then f2p players leave, and then the whales leave, and then the game dies. And then the company makes a new game and repeats the process.

Not if you have multiple un merged accounts there isn’t.
Spend more, get more.